Friday, May 10, 2019

Love: The fruit of the Spirit (V)

The world says “Don’t get mad, get even!” But a better thought is “Love your enemies” (Matthew 5:44). Angry and/or revengeful thoughts easily become addictive, I know, because I’ve been there! And like all addictions they are easy to get into, and hard to get out of. And it’s no use stuffing them, because when we stuff them they are bound to manifest somewhere, often on those who don’t deserve it. What we need to do, is to replace such negative thoughts with thoughts and deeds in the opposite spirit. In particular when someone is difficult to love ask God to show you the treasure among the trash, and what you can do practically, to show love. It sounds simple, and it is, but it’s not easy, that is why I keep saying we need to practice. And what we need to practice most, is to obey the commandment to abide in His love (John 15:9, see also Mark 12:30, 31).

We do this first and foremost for ourselves, unforgiveness and obsessive thinking rob us of all the fruit of the Spirit. We cannot have joy and peace, for example, while our negative thoughts are running rampant. God loves us in specific ways that are tailor-made for our needs, and for our growth. In the same way, since we are to be imitators of God, we need to love others in specific ways that Taylor name made for their need and growth. So we need to ask God how He sees them, and how He wants us to love them. This can involve tough love, not yielding to their control or manipulation. But we do need to get our own house in order first. When I was younger I didn’t think I needed God’s help to love others, I was naïve, and I have come to the realization that I cannot do it without Him.

So how do we do it? We need to start by realizing that our thinking has been pickled by the ways of the world. If you dip a cucumber into vinegar and take it out again, it remains a cucumber. But if you let it marinate, it becomes a pickle. This works similarly both positively and negatively in our thinking, and we need to marinate in His presence, and in the tangible, unconditional love of God. We also need to practice loving others. And if we are serious about this, God will bring people who are difficult to love into our lives in in order to train us. We will likely fail, but then there is forgiveness (1 John 1:9), and practice makes perfect! The story is told of a piano teacher who made up exercises based on his students weaknesses. It was frustrating for the student, but when she persisted, she made amazing progress. It will be the same with us when we persist!

Father, teach us to love as You have loved us. We need Your grace and persistence, and we need tangible encounters of Your love. This is Kingdom work, and I have the sense that You are far more willing to do Your part, than we are to submit to this character polishing. And all this is part of dying to self, and coming alive to You. We cannot do this without spending quality time with You Lord. Thank You that You who began a good work in us will keep right on doing it until the day we see You. And I am more and more realizing the truth that unless we abide in You and Your Word abides in us, we can do nothing (John 15:4) in Jesus Name Amen

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