Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Patience: The fruit of the Spirit (VIII)

Standing at the checkout years ago, shortly after conversion, a friend asked me what I was doing. Through gritted teeth I replied that I was learning patience the hard way. Boy did I have a lot to learn! Not saying I have now arrived! In terms of long term waiting for my promise, I have made much progress. But some of the things I say as to other drivers, knowing they can’t hear me, comes to mind. Not saying I swear at them, but I am aware this morning I will shortly be blogging on gentleness and self-control! And as I realize more and more the impact of negative thoughts and words on the fruit of the Spirit in my life, I am more and more wanting to take every though captive unto the obedience of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 10:6). Certainly patience is something that needs to be learned (practiced), and the verse “Tribulation works patience” (Romans 5:3) comes to mind!!

The Greek word translated patience here, is makrothumia. The Amplified Bible adds “not the ability to wait, but how we wait while waiting.” But it’s not just about waiting, it is how we deal with irritations and trials. Other translations have “longsuffering.” Suffering long speaks of standing up in the long run under trial. And this is precisely what the Greek synonym used at the end of James 1:2,3 means. Note the connection with joy “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” James goes on to admonish us to let patience have its perfect work (verse 4). So what precisely does that mean? It seems to me that James is talking about cooperation with the Lord in what He has allowed. Fully cooperation has to do with choosing to receive these tings with joy (yes we need to practice), knowing that God only allows things in our lives that He can use for our Good (Romans 8:28).

My life verses are Psalm 40:1-3, which start with “I waited patiently on the Lord.” I always knew that this was His instruction to me. I have now waited more than two decades for a promise He gave me. Several years into the waiting He asked me if I was waiting patiently. I could only reply that I had waited! As far as waiting patiently, that was something else. I don’t believe anybody can wait patiently that long without a lot of help, I know that I could not. Patience however is part of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22), and so any credit for my eventual patient waiting goes to Him. Yes I had to choose to “let patience have it’s perfect work.” As I said I have not arrived, not by a long shot, I am not yet what I will be, but thanks God I am not what I once was. As we say in my Christ centred recovery group, we celebrate progress not perfection.

Lord as I was saying the other day, You wait for us, and with us. The whole thing is all about relationship with You, and every negative circumstance is a crossroads. We get to choose to cooperate and allow You to do through us what we can never do for ourselves, either that or we draw back in some form of offence. And the sooner we get this into our head the better. Thank You this morning Lord for Your patience, and long suffering with us. Thank You that You You know our frame, that You know that we are but dust. Thank You that we are precious in Your sight and that You love us with an everlasting love. And we pray these things in Jesus Name Amen

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