Thursday, May 21, 2020

But David strengthened himself in the LORD

It was a huge blow. When it became clear that Saul would eventually kill David if he stayed in Israel,  he and his followers and their families had fled to the Philistines. And thinking he was on their side  King Achish had given  David the city of  Ziklag  to live there (1Sam. 27:6). David and the men (six hundred of them) had been gone, and when they returned they found that  “the Amalekites had .... attacked Ziklag and burned it with fire,  and had taken captive the women and those who were there .... they did not kill anyone, but carried them away.”  David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the LORD  (1 Samuel 30:1, 2, 6).

Just because we are living for the Lord, following His directions to the best of our ability does not mean that things will go smoothly. Jesus wanted us “In this world you will have troubles, but be of good cheer I have overcome the World” (John 16:33b).  No doubt part of David's “great distress” was because not only because his wives had been taken captive, but also because those who had up to this point been faithful to him were talking of stoning him. The Scripture again warns “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings .... ” (Psalm 146:3).  In my own experience I can say without doubt that I have been more hurt and let down by Christians,  than those who don't know the Lord. Part of is it that you expect better of Christians. But Christians are people,  and as the saying goes “people who are hurt,  hurt people.” That is if they don't take their hurts to the Lord,  to strengthen themselves in Him!

But what does it mean to strengthen yourself in the Lord? It's going to be hard if you don't have an ongoing relationship with Him. But often  troubles are what drives us to Him in the first place. But where ever  we are starting from, turning to Him in our troubles,  and choosing to trust Him,  is the first thing we need to do. I find it helpful at such times to go over the many promises He has underlined for me, especially those in His Word. In  John 16:33a  He tells us  “these things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.”  He is saying that our reaction to troubles should not be surprise or panic, but rather we should tap into His peace.  After strengthening ourselves in this way,  we need like David did,  to enquire of the Lord (verse 8). The Lord is not taken by surprise at the troubles we find ourselves in, and He knows what to do.  We also like David did, choose to trust others, in His case the priest (verse 7). We need each other even in the midst of being let down, perhaps even especially at those times.  David needed His men for the rescue that followed. 

Father, we will likely never get past needing to strengthen ourselves in You. Help us to get better at it Lord. Help us to trust You and quickly come to peace in these times so that way we will be able to hear You more clearly. Thank You that You work all tings together for our good in Jesus Name Amen

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