Saturday, October 3, 2020

for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances

....  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation (Philippians 4:11b, 12b). The Philippians had often supported Paul in his ministry, but there had been times when they had no opportunity (no internet banking in those days). But now at last they had renewed their support and Paul was rejoicing in that   (verse 10).  Paul is not wanting them to grieve that is was not always possible for (because) he had learned .... etc. He goes on to tell the Philippians that God will supply all their needs according to His riches in Glory (verse 19).

It seems to me he can say that,  because he knows that God is not unjust to forget our labour of love (Hebrews 6:10). To put this another way, we reap what we sow both positively and negatively (Galatians 6:7). Verse 19 is often quoted as a stand alone verse, but as we just read,  Paul was in need at times. And if we are stingy, we will reap what we sow in that area too. Reaping what we sow, as with planting and reaping in the natural realm,  is not usually instantaneous.  Nor is the reaping necessarily in material terms.  I have heard stories though,  of those in need, being directed by God to sow what little they did have. And they received back their material need.  The Christian though, according to this morning's verses,  can be in need, or can have more than enough. And we are not just talking about physical needs here.

But Paul had learned the  secret of being content no matter what the circumstances. It was something he had had to learn, and if we are to get there, it is something we will need to learn too.  So how did Paul learn to be content in need?  Well, he had to suffer need, and indeed he had (2 Corinthians 11:22-28). He could describe what he suffered in those verses,  as a sentence of death given so that he might learn to trust in God who raises the dead (2 Corinthians 1:9). So how do we learn to be content in difficult circumstances? Well we too have to choose to trust God in the midst of them, at the very time we are going through them (Romans 8:28). With regard to the times our needs are being met, these times are perhaps even more dangerous, for in them we can too easily forget God. This may well account for the weakness of the Western Church, for we hardly seem to need God for our basic needs. And all too easily we can get caught up in ingratitude and greed. And in any case, how much is enough? Famously it is “just a little bit more!”

Father, thank You for underlining these verses for me from this morning's reading. My meditating on them is really helping me to get my rather trivial difficulties back into perspective.  Thank You for the depth of Your Word, and for prompting me to replace my anxiety with prayer and supplication, and especially with the ingredient I had been missing, namely thanksgiving. Thank You for Your promise that Your peace will guard our hearts (verse 8), and for the process that with Your help teaches us to be content in all circumstances. We give You thanks and praise again this morning, in Jesus Name Amen.

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