Sunday, November 22, 2020

who are kept by the power of God

..... through faith until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. (1 Peter 1:5).  The “who” are those of us  He has begotten again  to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (verse 3). There are three aspects of our salvation justification (saved from the penalty of sin Romans 5:1), sanctification (being saved from the Power and Pollution of sin Philippians 2:12, 13) and glorification (saved from the Presence of sin on the last day). Verse 5 then refers to glorification.  Note that it's   He who both saved us (justification), and who keeps us (guards our ongoing sanctification).  But it's also “through faith” that we are kept. There is a tendency in the West to present salvation to those who do not know Him, only in terms of dealing with the consequences of their own actions, or as a fire escape from hell. I am not saying this things not true,  only that we often fail to clearly present the need to count the cost.

The context of this morning's verse speaks of the fiery trials of  faith that so often tested first centenary Christians,  and tests many in other parts of our world today (verses 6, 7).   Even without the fiery trials, the unbeliever may well wonder if he or she is able to live up to the expectation of the changed life the gospel demands.  We are to present our bodies as ongoing living sacrifices (Romans 12:1). Jesus clearly teaches us that if we are not willing to take up our cross daily and follow Him, we cannot be His disciple. He illustrates this by talking about counting the cost in terms of what you would need to do in terms of finance if you were thinking of building a tower. A permanently only half built tower would be the cause of you being mocked (Luke 14:27-30).

Let's be clear, if it were all up to you or me, we would fail. I mean  all of hell is arraigned against us.  But it's not all up to us, it's God who keeps us. Paul, though he was suffering on account of the gospel could say “I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day” (2 Timothy 1:12).  My part then, is to count the cost and make the commitment. I count the cost and in faith choose to believe that in my ongoing relationship with Him (“whom I have believed”), He will do His part to keep me moving in the right direction no matter what might befall me.  

Father, I want to thank You this morning, that it's not all up to me. As I look back on my years as a Christ follower,  I can say without a shade of doubt that the only way I have gotten through both the trials and the temptations,  is because of You. I would not have made it Lord,  and I mean that quite literally. I can't keep myself Lord, but You can keep me, and I am persuaded with Paul, that You who began a good work in me will keep right on working in this way, right up to the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6). And I commit my life and my will over to You again this morning for safe keeping Lord, and I give You the glory in Jesus Name Amen

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