Monday, June 14, 2021

Part I: Which God, which Bible, which church? Mine?

There are over 40,000 registered, Christian denominations far too many of which are saying “we are the people of God, we have it right, and everyone else has it wrong!” We need to see this through the eyes of unbelievers.  They already believe that all truth is relative, and unless or until we get real concerning these things, they will simply throw out the baby with the bathwater. Who could blame them?  By the way, the response to saying all truth is relative, is not to say all truth is absolute.   Certainly there are absolutes “Don't commit adultery!” But should I eat meat offered to idols (see below)?

The Bible itself distinguishes between two levels of certainty.  Faith, as the Bible defines it concerns the assurance of things hoped for, that is believing things that pertaining to salvation. This is to be a sure hope, an anchor even,  to the soul  (Hebrews 11:1; 6:19). With respect to salvation truths we must not be every learning and never arriving at a knowledge of these truths (2  Timothy 3:7).  The context of this verse shows clearly that the thing that hinder coming to this knowledges,  is our wanting to do what we want to do! On the other hand there are debatable things (Romans 14:1). And concerning these debatable things, including the above mentioned should we eat meat offered to idols, we need to acknowledge that we know nothing yet as we aught to know. Knowledge puffs us up with pride, but love edifies  (1 Corinthians 8:1ff).

If we are to love the Lord with all our mind (Mark 12:30). then we need to figure out what are the non-negotiable essentials, and what are the  things over which we can agree to disagree. It is a process, but what I want to say clearly here, is that we should not use our interpretation of the early chapters of Genesis  to determine whether or not we can have fellowship with each other. I can be wrong about that and still be saved! My interpretation of Genesis is not about the assurance of my hope of heaven. Anyway this is my opinion!

Actually concerning what is essential and what is not,  we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. The statements of faith of para church organizations are useful in helping us figure things out in this regard. Their statements have likely been forged in the furnace of inter denominational dialogue,  as they worked to sort out the denominational distinctives from the non-negotiable essentials of the Faith.  Concerning the former, the Scripture encourages us to be fully convinced in our own minds (Romans 14:5). Concerning the latter, I can recommend the Inter-Varsity statement of faith or that of Operation Mobilization.  These can be googled.

Father,  I don’t know why it is so hard for us to admit that we don’t know, and why we seem to want certainly in everything.  We're not going to fully understand everything. Who can fully understand Trinity? On the other hand Lord,  when it comes things pertaining to salvation,  it's important for us to know that we have not believed cunningly devised fables (2 Peter 1:6). Thank You for the assurance  that He who has received Your Son already has eternal life,  shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life (John 1:12: 5:24). We are intended know these things, not on the basis of being good,  but because You Lord Jesus gave Yourself for us (1 John 5:13; Titus 2:14). Thank You,  in Your precious Name Amen  

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