Thursday, June 10, 2021

What does it say, what does it mean, how does it apply?

Jesus said “Unless you hate your mother and father you cannot  be my disciple” (Luke 14:26).  Years ago a well know cult took this verse literally,  capitalizing on,  and praying on,  those who had hate in their hearts towards their parents.  They were of course ignoring such scriptures as 1 John 2:9.  The Bible is not a magic book, and we need to read it with understanding. Jesus here is using hyperbole that is “exaggerated statements,   not meant to be taken literally!” He was saying that we must not let our natural affection and respect for  parents prevent us from following Him. Many have done so!

Hermeneutics,  the theory and methodology of interpretation, is not an exact science. Some, desiring absolute certainty concerning their faith,  have given simplistic answers to complex questions. I have often been asked if I take the Bible literally. I usually answer “This is like asking me if I have stopped beating my wife yet!” I mean a simple “yes” or a 'no” gets me in trouble. There are certainly things meant to be taken literally, i.e  “Don't commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14). But what about what about “If if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away” (Matthew 5:29). If we took that  seriously, half the men would be walking round with just one eye, and the other half with neither!

Paul says “I have become all things to all men, that I might  save some” (1 Corinthians 9:22). If you have to agree with all my theology before I can talk to you, I will not be the ambassador for Christ I'm expected to be (2 Corinthians 5:20).  This is never more true in terms of the many different attempts to come to terms with the early chapters of Genesis. For some a day in  Genesis 1:5  is a literal twenty four hours.  They are the “young earth creationists.” For others “a day with the Lord is as a thousand years” (2 Peter 3:8), they are the “day is an age creationists.” For still others the progression in Genesis 1 describes theistic evolution, that is it  affirms that whatever part of the many contradictory versions of evolution are true, those parts describes the mechanism of creation.

 If I'm to be all things to all people, then I need to understand what is common here, and what lies behind it all. One thing is clear in each and every one of these interpretations.  It is that God did indeed created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). To quarrel over exactly how He did it,  and how long He took, is to get into the details where, they say, the devil resides!

Father, Your Word tells us that each one should be fully persuaded in his or her own mind (Romans 14:5), and that we should not be quarrelling over such disputable matters (verse 1).   And I affirm Father,  that whatever some Scientists may say to the contrary, and say with the utmost confidence,  I truly believe that the invisible things of You from the creation of the world are clearly seen and understood by us,  Your creatures, even Your eternal power and Godhead.  And so on that day we will be without excuse (Romans 1:20). Thank You Lord for the revelation both of creation (Psalm 19:1),  and of Your Word. And I give You thanks and praise in Jesus Name Amen

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