Tuesday, December 14, 2021

But can't you make the Bible say anything you want?

Well yes,  and using the same rules of interpretation you can make the dictionary say the very same thing. So I've stopped using the dictionary! Thank the Lord for spellcheck. My tongue in cheek reply points to the need for hermeneutics, the study of interpretation. A related subject is textual criticism, it studies which of the handed down texts are closest to the original. Figuring these things out is part of loving Him with all our mind (Mark 12:30). A good place to start, for these and related issues, is with the alpha series videos, available on Youtube.

Making the Bible say what we want it to say is called twisting Scripture.  And Peter warns that it leads to the destruction of those doing it (2 Peter 3:16). But we are all biased at some level,  and in order, as much as possible to eliminate this, we need to listen across time and geography to those with a very high view of Scripture.  I find the statements of faith of para-church organizations useful here. Since they seek to minister across denominational lines,  their  statements of faith have been forged and refined in the furnace of interdenominational dialogue. I can recommend those of International Fellowship of international students (IFES) and Operation Mobilization. I believe their statement have identified well,  the non-negotiable essentials, that is teachings that we all need to hold firmly as true. On other things we can agree to disagree for the sake of unity. The physical bodily resurrection of Christ is an agreed non-negotiable essential. We can disagree on whether parts of Genesis are history or allegory. On the other hand many of the things taught through the Genesis stories belong to the collection of non-negotiable essentials  (c.f. Hebrews 6:1, 2).

Repeated themes are important, salvation (how we are put right with God) for example. John writes “to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13). It's repeated in John 3:16 and Hebrews 6:1, 2.  Ephesians 2:8, 9 tells us salvation is a gift,  not something we can earn, so no one can boast. The resurrection of Christ is the cornerstone of Christianity.  If it's not true Christianity falls apart, our faith is vain,  we are still be in our sins and excluded from paradise (1 Corinthians 15: ).

The world tries to tell us that truth is unknowable. But if you wonder if murder wrong (Exodus 20:13), you'll know it is, the moment  somebody tries to kill you. Jesus makes an extraordinary promise that “If you continue in My Word you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31,32). It is testable! Continuing here is about being a disciple, an apprentice to Jesus, consistently following Him in ongoing obedience to His leading and teaching. (John 17:7). He promises that we will be free indeed when we do this (John 8:34).

Lord Jesus,  You have told us that anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether Your teaching comes from God or whether You  speak on Your own (John 17:7). In other words truth is established through obedience! On the other hand disobedience suppresses the truth (Romans 1:20). Thank You Lord that when we fully surrender to You, You give us the grace (help) to obey. You even change our wrong desires (Philippians 2:12,12). For these an many other things we give You thanks and praise in Your precious Name Amen

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