Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Cast all your cares on Me, for I care for you

One of the ways of meditating on Scripture, is to personalize it. For example “God so loved Phil Heath, that He gave His one and only Son…” (John 3:16). In personalizing this command from 1 Peter 5:7, the admonition is to cast all our cares upon Him etc., but this morning I was hearing Him say to me “Cast all your cares on Me Phil, I care for you!”

I woke this morning in danger of fretting over four separate things in my life. It is my goal, aim, and determination to live in the moment, and to live my life from a position of rest. These four things, most of which I can do nothing about especially at this time, threatened to rob me of my peace and my joy. The Lord reminded me of this Scripture, and I proceeded to lay each of the four things at His feet. So now, after having done this and quieted and myself down, I am back in peace!

It has taken me a long time to come to the place where I can do this, where I can live my life this way. For me, the secret is taking time morning after morning, to come and sit quietly in His presence, and in the idea of this morning’s verse, to bring everything that would disturb my peace to Him. It took even longer to learn to leave it there, but in the end it’s all about fostering my relationship with Him, and guarding it by keeping short accounts by confessing failures to Him and to those to whom I have made myself accountable. It is then possible with His help, to "be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).

Father, it is so easy to be drawn away from these things (James 1:14). Thank you that I don’t have to do this all by myself. Thank You that You are for more willing to keep me in fellowship with You than I am to stay there. Thank You for reminding me of this verse this morning, thank You for helping me to hide Your Word in my heart, so that the Holy Spirit can bring such verses to my attention when I need them. Father please help those who are reading these posts to come to the same place of peace, rest and hope in You. In Jesus Name Amen

1 comment:

  1. Great thought for me today.
    Thank you for reminding me where all my cares belong.
