Saturday, October 7, 2017

What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do (Isaiah 46:11)

I was reminded this morning, of something the Lord had told me in 1995. He had told me that I was going to be preaching in the breezeway bar at the University, the University where I have spent my entire career. I remember telling one of the leaders of the church I was going to the time, and he told me I was delusional. But it happened this February. Last fall the campus church to which I have attached myself obtained the breezeway bar Sunday nights (closed of course) as the venue. And I was asked to preach.

The Lord is not slack concerning His promises, and indeed what He says he will do, He will do! He doesn’t always do it in our time, but if He says He is going to do something, He will do it, and He did! This fulfillment of His promises is significant to me in and of itself of course, but even more so because of certain other things He also told me at the same time all those years ago. Things that have yet to be fulfilled.

I have told this story before, but years ago when I was complaining that the Lord have not yet followed through on His promise, a little old lady friend of mine told me “The trouble with God is he has no sense of time!” I have found that the Lord can move very slowly at times, and at other times He can move in an instant. Waiting can be really hard. But He has a purpose in the journey. He has been working on me throughout this time, and I’m not the same man I was!

Father, thank You for reminding me of this verse this morning. You are so amazing, so faithful, so wise, so intimate. Thank You that You did not leave me to wait alone, but have been ready willing and able to meet me morning by morning as I come to You. You were faithful even when I was not. You are my rock, my fortress, my high tower, my deliverer, and I am more and more confident that You will fulfill what You have promised. I thank You in advance, and give You all the honour, all the glory and all the praise. In Jesus Name Amen

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