Friday, September 20, 2019

A resting place between dogma and relative truth (II) The furnace of dialogue

I don't  minimize  apologetics (the defence of the faith) in our communication with the world. It is pre-evangelism,  useful for clearing away the intellectual clutter that often prevents the world from even considering faith options. But our primary mode of this communication  is intended to be through personal testimony (“an answer of the hope within us” - 1 Peter 3:15), but also through cooperate testimony (they will know we're Christians by our love (John 13:35). Since God’s primary purpose is the reconciliation  (Ephesians 1:10), and He has committed that to us ( 2 Corinthians 5:18),  we had better get this right.  Our testimony is intended to impact the world is through the demonstration of Christian unity. The  three integrated (trinitarian) ways we know (reason, experience and intuition) need to be mirrored in this.   In particular we need to demonstrate unity in three ways.  Firstly by unity (in diversity) in how we understand and teach  the Word of Truth (propositional truth - reason,  theology). Secondly in  encounter,  in  our experience of Him in His presence and in genuine worship - not just singing sons.   Thirdly in intuition, in the enlightening of the eyes of our hearts by the Spirit (Ephesians 1:18). We experience this last part when we find ourselves teachings things we did not know until we opened our mouths!

This trinity also needs to manifest itself in  unity in diversity (the very nature of trinity) in fellowship.  In particular we need to be of one mind, heart and soul.  But  we need to unpack what this unity in diversity, looks like in our theology, in our practice and in our oneness in Christ.  We also need to be aware that the World sees us as uniformity in unloving isolated and often mutually judgemental groups (denominations). And we need to repent for our disunity in all three areas. Notwithstanding this, Paul tells us “There must also be factions be among you, that those who are approved may be recognized among you” (1 Corinthians 11:19).  In particular errors and imbalances need to be exposed and corrected, and this can only happen through dialogue speaking the truth in love, the Christian version of free speech. 

Nobody is saying this is easy, but it’s what we are called to eagerly maintain (Ephesians 4:3). This can only be done though the furnace of dialogue. In particular  “The one who speaks first seems to be right until his neighbour comes and examines him” (Proverbs 18:17). This is perhaps best described as “Iron sharpening iron” (Proverbs 27:17). It  sounds painful! I have mentioned iron sharpening iron times in this blog, but it was mostly about the personal  interaction of our faults.  Doing this is clearly part of our unity. But we also need to the world cross denominationally that we are Christians by our love. And we need  to come out of our isolation and,  speaking the truth in love,  wrestle though the furnace of dialogue.  And in this way obey the command to maintain true Christian unity (in diversity).  This is the testimony and demonstration of the hope within us.

Father, I want to repent on behalf of myself and others this morning,  for the many ways we have failed to eagerly maintain the unity that You purchased for us at the cross. We need to change Lord, and we need You to show us the way.  But most of all Lord we need a fresh outpouring of Your Spirit,  and so I pray “Even so come Lord Jesus,” in whose precious name I ask Amen

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