Thursday, September 5, 2019

Outreach (I) There is a way that seems right .… but its end is destruction

I have said before if we want to do something we will likely find a thousand reasons to do it. It’s called rationalization and denial. It was always there, but over the past fifty of so years, the propaganda of the world has become increasingly militant in its rejection of traditional and family values. Today many have their own truth, and we hear things like “That may be true for you, but it’s not true for me!” But worse, “Who are you to tell me what is right and wrong.” And those of us with traditional values are accused of hate and fear, if we even dare to express something that is considered to be politically incorrect. Free speech is under attack. And if we even mention the Bible ….. well we’re self-righteous bigots. Unfortunately there are those who name the Name of Christ who have not presented themselves and their views in hate,  condemnation,  fear,  self-righteousness and bigotry. So how are we to counter this and what are we to speak and do?

The Scripture tells us "Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” (1 Peter 3:15). The first part speaks of our living a life that makes people want to ask “What is it about you, you are different, you always seem to be at peace?” The next part speaks about our being ready to make a defence. In my experience Christians are really good at answering questions nobody is asking. The questions in our culture do not so much have to do with truth, but are more about relevance. The point is, that Scriptures is both true and relevant. What is relevant here, is that we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7), even if we are in denial about it, and/or  are  blaming others for our pain ! 

And people do want the pain to stop. So taking for granted we need to do it in gentleness and humility, how do we give a defence? One way is to say something along the lines  “There was a saying that made sense to me ‘Insanity,  is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.' I was in such pain, and I started thinking about what I was doing. It  all seemed right at the time, but there was such destruction in my own life and in the lives I was touching (don’t say this is Proverbs 14:21). I became desperate enough to try anything, even God. If He was not real, He would never have held me. But He is, and He did.” This in fact is my testimony, my defence! We don't need initially to mention that our wisdom comes from the Bible, we can just present Biblical truths as the wise sayings that they are! We are planting seeds.

Father, Your Word tells us that we are to be as wise as serpents,  and as harmless as doves (Matthew 10:16). So Lord help us to truly seek wisdom and understanding  (Proverbs 4:5-9). David could say that he had more wisdom and understanding than all his teachers, because Your Word was his meditation (Psalm 119:99). So help us Lord to be diligent to present ourselves approved to You, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing Your Word of Truth in Jesus Name Amen

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