Monday, September 16, 2019

A spirit of revelation (I) - spiritually facilitated revelation

Have you ever asked someone how they knew something,  and they to you  "You just know, that you know,  that you know"?  It can drive you nuts if you’re not there. I mean how does it help? Obviously I can’t speak for everyone,  but in the areas in which  I can say I  know,  that  know,  that I know,  this knowing has  come by revelation. For example I know,  that I know,  that I know that I am loved by Almighty God. And part of this,  is that the Spirit witnesses with my spirit that I am His beloved  son (Mark 1:11; Romans 8:16).  I didn’t always know that  in this way. For the first two decades of my Christian walk I only knew intellectually that I am his child.  I didn’t feel it in the depths of my bones, and  I needed a revelation of it. But look,  language is so inadequate. I mean feelings are fickle, and even when I don’t feel it,  I know that I know!

So how do we get it? Well it can come as a soverign act of God. It did with Saul (Paul)  on the Damascus road. God essentially hit him over the head with a 2x4 knocking him off his horse (Acts 9:4).  You might not want it to come that way.  Another way is through prayer (Ephesians 1:17).  To my way of thinking there are two aspects of this. The first has to do with receiving a revelation of  Biblical truth. For example we all need a revelation of  “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). The  difference between this being revelation knowledge as opposed to head knowledge, is that it comes with empowerment. In this case, we no longer need to strive with sin.  I am not saying we  don’t get tempted, but we  don’t have to strive. I was good at that! You see we  empower what we strive with.   When  we have  revelation of truth, it comes with the Grace, the wherewithal,  in this case to simply take authority and say (and mean)  “I am dead, and dead men don’t strive!”

We all likely have had the experience of a verse or a passage standing out to us. This is the start of revelation.  And it is,  I believe,  an invitation to press in,  and to go deeper into truth through  prayer and meditation.  It is good to journal the thoughts and ideas that come.  In many ways, this is what these posts are all about.  A second aspect of  revelation,  is of God Himself.  It seems to me that the 24 elders are getting fresh revelation of His Glory over and over, as over and over they fall down and worship Him (Revelation 4:10). And it is here supremely where it  is a spirit of revelation (as opposed to an event), because it is ongoing and part and parcel of who they are,  and what they do!

Father I pray with Paul this morning for myself,  and for all reading this blog, that You would grant each us a spirit of wisdom and revelation on the knowledge of  Yourself.  Help us to do our part Lord in taking time,  with unveiled face (no secrets from You), to behold Your glory and so to be  being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another (2 Corinthians 3:18) in Jesus Name Amen

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