Sunday, September 29, 2019

The first Ephesians prayer (IV) The glory of the riches of our inheritance.

Paul continuing Ephesians 1:18ff, asks for a spirit of wisdom and revelation of the glory of the riches our inheritance. As with hope, this has both the here and now, and hereafter aspects. Dealing this morning with the former, we need wisdom and revelation to know firstly what is our inheritance, then secondly to know and experience that aspect of Revelation that enables  us to tap into it. Peter tells us that all necessary things that pertain to life and godliness have already been given to us. And as here,  in the Ephesians prayer, in Peter it's “through the knowledge of Him,” but also through the “exceedingly great and precious promises” (2 Peter 1:3, 4).  Clearly we need to know what the premises are (so read them!), how to contend for them, and then we need revelation Grace to press into, and to war for them.

When Scripture speaks of life here in 2 Peter and elsewhere, it's  speaking of life in the hereafter, but also life in all its fullness, that is the best possible life we could live (John 10:10b). If we are not there yet, and  because it’s progressive I daresay that non of us are, then there is yet much "land to be gained."  When Israel was about to enter the promised land,  the Lord told them He would “drive out those nations before you, little by little. You will not be allowed to eliminate them all at once, or the wild animals will multiply around you” (Deuteronomy 7:22). Notice the cooperation here between God and Israel. It is God who ultimately drives them out, but also it “you” who will (be allowed to) eliminate them. It’s the same with us! Notice also that if we try to deal with too much at once,   other things ("wild animals") will come in take over the land we have gained. We should not despise the day of small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10) particularly in recovery where sometimes people try  to deal with many issue at the same time. There is wisdom in dealing "little by little."

Nobody can do this for you! If all you do is listen to Sunday sermons, you will not grow in wisdom and grace (2 Peter 3:18). All things have already been given, but tapping into them, is not automatic. I hear things like “If God promised, it'll happen!” But this is to fail to understand the need for the cooperation we see in the Deuteronomy passage and elsewhere. God will do His part if we do ours. In particular we read "The word they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith (Hebrews 4:2). And the type of faith spoken about here, is a faith that acts, a faith that's obedient (verse 6, see also James 2:17).

Father, I like the version of Psalm 68:19 which says “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits. The God of our salvation! Selah.” So I thank You again this morning Lord for salvation and for all the benefits that you daily give. Lord many think that Selah means to pause and reflect, and this fits well with Your Word, and what we are considering today. In particular he who mediates on Your word night and day will prosper in all that he does (Psalm 1:2,3). Thank You Lord for the Principles and Promised of Your Word, and for the Power of Holy Spirit in our lives in Jesus Name Amen

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