Sunday, September 8, 2019

Outreach (IV) God was in Christ reconciling, not counting their sins agains them

The title is from 2 Corinthians 5:19 which says that “God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” I would have to be blind, deaf and dumb however, to not realize that the world (especially the West) is more than a little hostile to the message of the gospel. The church has not helped at times, laying guilt trips and condemnation both on the World, but also on its adherents for not sharing the gospel. The result, is that even when the gospel is shared too often it's been out of guilt, and not motivated by love.
We have been looking at “Always be ready to give an answer of the hope that is in us” (1 Peter 3:15). And this has more to do with testimony than the traditional way of sharing the gospel. So here's what we could say “I had such a heavy load of guilt and shame for the things I had done. I tried excuses, blame and ignoring the issues, but the feelings persisted. I also felt myself being drawn by love, and the truth that God did not want to condemn me. I learned that the penalty for my wrongdoings had already been paid, and that like the prodigal’s father,  God was waiting for me to come to Him. And I am not an exception to the rule, He wants each and every one of us to come, yes,  you too. It’s good news, I am no longer covered in shame, and the freedom, oh the freedom! And well I have to say, I didn’t know what true freedom was.” This of course is another part of my testimony.
It is Holy Spirit’s job, not ours, to convict of sin, righteousness and judgement (John 16:8). Conviction is very different from condemnation. Conviction includes  an invitation to come to Christ to be healed, forgiven and set free. I will need to say more later, but what I want to say here, is that I am not saying we should affirm sin. Condemnation though, should be far from us. In the same context of this morning’s verse we read “We no longer regard anyone according to the flesh” (verse 16). The word “flesh” here, is often translated “sinful nature.” And “No longer” implies that we used to do it that way, looking at,  and often pointing out, other people’s sin. Now, this side of Christ’s work on the cross, we are, from this verse, to ask God how He sees this or that individual. And God sees them as they could be, not as they are (i.e. according to the flesh). In fact God sees you and me as the best version of us that we could possibly be, and He calls us up to be that version of ourselves, saved or not!
Father, You have got such a bad rap in the world, and at times Your people have added to that,  spewing hate and condemnation. But this is not You Lord, You are love, and so wanting to reconcile the world to Yourself. We do need to repent of course, and it is a fine line that we need to walk to represent You well in these things.  We need to stay close to You Father. If not we will not, as Your ambassadors of the Kingdom, represent You well to this hurting world that,  in large part,  has turned its back on You, in Jesus Name Amen.

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