Sunday, February 16, 2020

The LORD ... has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant

This quote (Psalm 35:27) caught my attention, possibly because I had recently been listing to a Youtube video for Patrica King. She was seeking to bring balance and correction to the “Prosperity gospel.” Those who teach it might conclude from this verse that God wants you to be rich. Certainly He would not take pleasure in you being poor. But consider that “the poor are rich in faith” (James 2:5), and “those who desire to get rich fall into temptation .. and into many foolish and harmful desires” (1 Timothy 6:9)! But also the word translated “prosperity” here, is not all about money. Among its meanings the Hebrew lexicon includes completeness, safety, soundness in body, welfare, health, prosperity; peace, quiet, tranquillity and contentment.

Capitalism is evil, but it is better than anything else we know. Why evil? Well, because it is driven by greed, and the marketing that sustains it teaches us to covert. Covetousness is idolatry (Exodus 20:17; Colossians 3:5). Idolatry is about putting our trust in anything that's not God. And as above, it is ultimately destructive. I find some of the thinly veiled manipulation of the televangelists, grievous. I know that it puts many off the gospel. I do not judge, because each one must give an account to God. That does not mean I don't grieve, and I was heartened to learn that a well known televangelists had publicly repented for his part in the excesses of the prosperity gospel. Some see the success of such ministries as God's endorsement, but we need to remember that “the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable” (Romans 11:29), and there are certainly successful rich people who are wicked, does God approve of that?

But we can go the the other extreme and preach a poverty gospel. Good for you if you feel lead to make a vow of poverty. But please don't teach that God wants everyone to be poor, that'a not Biblical. Certainly there are examples in the scriptures (Acts 2:44,45). But we must not make a theology out of example. Paul in talking about giving Paul says “I do not mean that others should be eased and you burdened” (2 Corinthians 8:13). It is not always easy to find the right balance. We do need to remember the poor (Galatians 2:10). But when Mary was criticized for her extravagant worship, Jesus tells that “the poor you always have with you” (Matthew 26:6-13). All this raises questions as to priorities in giving. We give so that the gospel can go forth, we give to feed the poor. We give to teach a man to fish, and we give to allow children in developing countries to go to school! Jesus is our example he taught the people, fed the poor, healed the sick and preached the gospel!

Father, thank You, You are pleased when we are successful, and that You are concerned for our welfare. Help us to get our attitudes right. The prayer comes to mind “Give me neither poverty nor riches ... lest I be full and deny You ... or lest I be poor and steal” (Proverbs 30:8, 9). We will not find what You require of us by principles alone, but by principles and the leading of Your Spirit. It is the love of money , not money itself , that is the root of all evil. Help us to keep our eyes on You as our highest priority, and we will give You the praise in Jesus Name Amen

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