Friday, May 25, 2018

I am not responsible for what others have done to me, I am responsible for my response to what others have done

“You make me mad!” No! What others have done may well have triggered your anger, and your anger may well be out of control, but nobody can make you mad, you are responsible for your response to whatever has happened, and whatever will happen! I am not saying it is easy, it clearly is not, but ……

There was a poem we had to learn at school hundreds of years ago, that started “If you can keep your head when all around are loosing theirs and blaming it on you ….” It ended with “Then you will be a man, my son!” It is talking about maturity, about growing up, about self control, about accepting responsibility for our lot in life. When I first came to Canada in the late sixties, the sort of thing that could be seen on TV often had life lessons along the very same lines I am talking about here. Now the TV, and in fact our whole culture, seems to celebrate immaturity, to wear victimhood as a badge of honour, and as a card to be played to demand rights that oppress others with the tyranny of what is considered to be politically correct.

But it is not the path to life and health and peace. In fact it is the very opposite. Proverbs 25:28 tells us “A man without self-control is like ta city broken into and left without walls.” In the culture of that time, a city without walls was defenceless, and open to attack by all. In the same way, when we do not rule our spirit, the Evil one can manipulate us at will, simply by reminding us of this or that injustice. Joy and self control are two components of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22), but they are not independent components. You can’t have one without the other! No wonder joy is withered away from the sons of men (Joel 1:12).

Father, as I say self control is not valued so much in our culture, but also as I say it is an essential part of the path to the abundant life. Open up our eyes Lord to see the rewards of doing things Your way, and then help us to be doers of Your way and not seers only. Lord I so want my walk to adorn the gospel so that many can see and fear and put their trust in You. I am am the only one who, with your help I can change. Help me Lord in Jesus Name Amen

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