Saturday, October 26, 2019

Come unto Me all you who are heavy laden … I will give you rest

I had to resign again this morning, as caretaker of the universe. The Lord reminded me of yesterday’s closing prayer “It's such a mess Lord ... Our eyes are on You Lord to do Your part, and to show us ours.” We are such creatures of imbalance, I am! I either take on too much responsibility, or not enough. But the Lord further reminded me this morning of a lesson He was teaching me years ago. I was visiting a colleague in LA, as I was passing through on my way to Australia. I had lost my passport. My friend took me to this and that place making a frantic effort to get a new passport and visa. And he used waiting times to read a new publication. It turned out to super be important to both our research interests, and on the drive back to his home he started telling me about it.

I had been supper stressed, but then when I had done everything I could, I returned to peace. And because I had been so stressed, my friend was amazed that I was able to absorb what he was telling me. But the Lord had been teaching me how, when I have done everything I can, to leave it with Him. The Lord is a good teacher! I am still learning not to stress when I am doing my part. But when I had done all I could, I had been able to let go and leave the outcome to Him. In terms of what is happening at the moment, I have been deeply grieved at a case going through the US courts. It concerns a seven year old biological boy, who at the age of three was told by his mother that he's a girl. The father had calmly (I don’t know how he could to that calmly) recorded an interview with the boy. He related that his mother had told him he was a girl, but when he father asked if he was, you could see the conflict in him. The boy’s eyes have haunted me.

On the other side of the coin, I know a mother who has difficulty loving her male child because he is the result of a rape. So often the children suffer for our frailty, but I have learned not to judge. And I needed to take a step back this morning, because if I don’t it will crush me. It did before! Feel free to pray for me, please! I do have a part to play, and I need to do my part, and then leave it with Him. And part of my part is to be informed, and to speak respectfully and in love to all who will listen. We don’t know what we don’t know, and we all, I believe, are deceived at some level by the father of lies (John 8:44). Ultimately our struggle is not against people (Ephesians 6:10). Our struggle most often, I believe, is against the lies people have believed, and against blocked communication. And I believe blocked communication is part of the thief’s agenda, because without the truth we will not be set free.

Father, I come to You again this morning in need of Your soul rest (Matthew 11:28). Please give me peace, and help me not to take on what I cannot change. Give me the courage to do my part, and the wisdom to know what is what. Help me to keep my eyes on You Lord, in Jesus Name Amen

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