Friday, October 25, 2019

Culture wars (V) Politically incorrect desires, and the invalidation of regret

It's one thing to affirm politically correct (PC) feelings, and  quite another to invalidated those same feelings when they are unwanted, or to invalidate the later regret of those who change their mind? The reaction to those who change there minds, be it by personal attacks, hate and even death threats, is disturbing. Consider that is dubbed gender fluidity, and the anecdotal evidence given of harm, for not affirming transgender feelings in children as young as three. But actually research shows fluidity in a quite different direction, in that it documents that many children exhibiting gender confusion, grow out of it as they pass though adolescence, or even later. Consider the case of Walter Heyer, who at 42 transitioned to female, complete with hormones and surgery. At 50 however, he transitioned back to male, and now ministers to those with transgender regret. According to his webpage, more than 40% attempt suicide after having irreversible sex change operations. His webpage points to many studies in this area. But of course all such studies are highly contested.

But independent of the truth of it all, it is politically incorrect to have a change of heart in this,  or on any other PC position. Lisa Diamond, a self-identified Lesbian and feminist scholar, is best known for her research on sexual fluidity. She documents how same sex attraction changes over time in a large percentage of those identifying as homosexual or lesbian. In spite of this, there is legislation in place in several states making illegal   the giving of psychological help for unwanted same sex desires (google “reparative therapy illegal”). If sexual orientation is fluid, and you have unwanted same sex desires, why should you not be allowed to seek help in this area? In another PC area abortion. If you google “abortion and infertility” you get a variety of opinions. But even the NHS says “Having an abortion will not usually affect your chances of becoming pregnant.” But think about it, when drugs are advertised on TV, there is always a warning about possible side effects,  even if the risks are small. But the NHS essentially dismisses it. Can you imagine the regret of someone who aborted their only pregnancy, became  infertile because of it, and then, discover that it's politically incorrect to have the very regrets that are tearing you apart? Thus does PC strike again, invalidating not only politically incorrect desires, but also politically incorrect grief!
Concerning the controversy surrounding research, much of it is flawed and skewed, including by ideological bias. In terms of suicide attempts, there is anecdotal evidence, that with the best or the worst intentions, throw statistics around “proving” the ideological position of the speaker. Many question are left unanswered. Is Heyer's 40%, based solely on his clients, or is it more substantial? Those who are said to attempt suicide after failed therapy for homosexuality, would they have attempted suicide anyway? I have confidence the truth will eventually prevail, but in the face of such uncertainty, should we rush to legislate what is is essentially ideologically motivated morality, or allow irreversible changes to a child's sex at ever younger ages? Reputable paediatricians have called this child abuse.

Father, hate, accusations and threats are been thrown around here on both sides, stirred up by hearsay and flawed research. It's such a mess Lord, we cannot solve it without Your help. Our eyes are on You Father to do what only You can do, and to show us our part in Jesus Name Amen

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