Sunday, November 3, 2019

Culture wars (XII) If my people humble themselves, pray and repent I will heal their land

As I said  earlier, the church is largely existing in splendid isolation, failing to be salt and light, becoming more and more irrelevant. Some of it's just bad theology, with Christians just waiting passively for the world to end   and for Jesus take us home to heaven. Some of it, is that we've been intimidated into silence. Then there is the sense of hopelessness. I mean people will never change right? So what’s the point of getting into the hassle of it all? It’s called conflict avoidance. But we are called to be salt and light, and to speak the truth in love! The Lord recently reminded me the troubles in Northern Ireland, where for nearly forty years they experienced a terrible, violent conflict that claimed thousands of lives. In 2006 in an effort to forge a lasting peace, the Unionist leader Ian Paisley and the Irish Republican Commander Martin McGuinness were brought together, to try and hash out a lasting peace. The success of the talks depended on Paisley agreeing to share power with his mortal enemy. In the end they even became friends, so much so that they became known as “The chuckling brothers” (see the movie “The journey”). In my view only God could make mortal enemies into friends.
The Northern Ireland conflict was along denominational lines. The culture wars are essentially over ideology (religious vs. secular ideology). And as with Norther Ireland,   both sides often operate our of rigid, entrenched, dogmatic positions. And again as with Northern Ireland, peace justice and harmony can only come when the warring sides come together face to face,  and become willing to see each other’s point of view in respectful informed dialogue. The troubles in Northern Ireland can be traced back a hundred years to the Irish war of Independence (1919-1921). The injustices the Left is seeking to make right, starting with the illegality etc.,  of Homosexuality, can be traced back much further. It was surely right for progressives to work towards repealing that law. But in accordance with human nature, and the swing of the pendulum, there is always the tendency to go too far. I recently read the newspaper headline “Former LGBTQ Individuals Travel to Washington to Urge Lawmakers Not to Pass Anti-Religious Freedom “Equality Act.”’ This bill would make so-called “conversion therapy” illegal at the federal level.
This would make it  impossible for those with unwanted same sex desires to get Psychological help. In the gender dysphoria kerfuffle, women in sports are  being trounced left, right and centre by much stronger trans women. This robs girls of scholarships, athletic opportunities, and dreams of competing at the next level. There are many other examples. At some stage we need to ask “Do we want justice, or do we want revenge?” The Lord wants reconciliation, it's His primary agenda (Ephesians 1:10). He has promised  if we pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, He will heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). So we need to repent, so we can pray with confidence for the reconciliation of our culture (1 John 5:14).
Father, there are clear injustices and suffering on multiple sides of this ongoing conflict. We Christians have not always done things well, and in identification repentance we turn and ask Your forgiveness for our lack of love and compassion, and for our apathy and isolation. We need Your help to do our part Lord, and then please do Yours Lord, and heal our land in Jesus Name Amen

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