Thursday, December 12, 2019

Go make disciples: Judea and Samaria - the seven mountains of influence

If our “Jerusalem” in the great commission is 'me and my house', the church and my city, then "Judea and Samaria"  is our nation, its various its people groups, and all that influences the culture. These areas of influence have been spoken of prophetically and representatively as “seven mountains” (see 30 November). They are called mountains because the leaders in these areas radically effect the culture. The “mountains” are government, media, Arts and Entertainment, Education, Business, Church and Family.  Seven being symbolic, speaks of the seven mountains as being representative rather than exclusive. There is much that's simply wrong in these  "mountains." Though we are not to use the world's dog eat dog methods, we are nevertheless told to “go” to these mountains,  not stay home in isolation. We cannot be salt and light if we remain separate, and we must not hid our light under a bowl, or inside the walls of a church for that matter (Matthew 5:15). 

Clearly there is much diversity within each of these representative mountains. Unfortunately too often we Christians have tended to think in terms of black and white. Well there is black and white, but there are also shade of grey (see 3 September post). In the government mountain, for example we need Christians in both liberal and conservative camps. Since the extremes on both sides are destructive we need voices in both camps (not that there are only two) advocating for free speech in iron sharpening iron debates (Proverbs 27:17; 18:17). Politics is not the only area where we need Christians in the various “people groups.” Where there has been historical injustices, there is the great tendency to operate out of bitterness, and part of the Christian's role is to be salt and light and to advocate for justice not revenge. 

 As another example of a people group,  take Scientists. We need respectful dignified debate, and Christians in these disciplines need to be informed, and first and foremost to be aware of the bias of presuppositions (our own, and theirs). The major Science Faith conflicts have little to do with the facts, but rather the interpretations of facts, and these interpretations often flow out of the presuppositions of the scientist. Scientists who are Christians also need to be informed of the various positions Christians take on the issues. We need to allow our neighbour (both Christians and unbeliever)  to examine us (Proverbs 18:17),  and so to find our way to truth. The issues are often complicated, and it's too easy in isolation, to take up rigid overly simplistic positions. I have found the various online debates very helpful in sharpening my thinking (Proverbs 27:17). We must however listen carefully, feeling the weight of the arguments and weighing them, not going there just to get ammunition for “our side.”

The pattern of sending the disciples out “two by two” is interesting (i.e. Mark 6:7). So often Christians in these “mountains” find themselves isolated.  And “two are better than one, for if one fall, the other will lift him up (Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10). We need to pray that the Lord will send labourers (plural) into these harvests (Luke 10:2), and we must pray for the labourers already there.

Father, prayer is so paramount in all things, and we are so weak in this area. Please raise up intercessors Lord, and help us to do our part in “praying without ceasing.” But we also need a Sovereign move of God in our day Lord, even so come Lord Jesus Amen

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