Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Praying for the seven Mountains (V) Religion

In “A tale of two cities” Dicken's starts off with his novel with “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times/” Is there a more apt description of our times? It's the worst of times, there is a war against the Faith,  the whole culture is going to hell in a hand basket, and we are being intimidated into silenced in unprecedented ways and ferocity. It's the best of times, because God is moving in ways not seen since the first century, and if we are to believe the Scripture, the light of gospel shines best in the darkness, and the Church comes alive in times of persecution. Though I do need to say that compared with the rest of the World, persecution in the West is a cake walk! Also these “worst of times” are beginning to shake us out of our complacency,  showing us the need to come our of isolation and to contend for truth. We do need to do it His way of course!

If we are to be a city on a hill we must  be seen, and what is seen has to be attractive. The Biblical way is to go, and to make what I've called holistic disciples starting with ourselves. I am using the phrase “holistic discipleship,” because discipleship in the church has tended to be two dimensional (see 2,3 December). In particular if we do not take the inward journey, we will operate our of our hurt habits and hangups stunting our love and preventing the World from seeing that we are His disciples by the genuine love we have for each other (John 13:35). Related to this, is that we have been conformed to the World and lax in obedience to His Word, the very vehicle that perfects His love in us (1 John 2:5). In other words we have had a form of religion, but denied it's power (2 Timothy 3:5). But it is the best of times, and the Lord has been restoring authority and health to His church along with signs, wonders, apostolic authority, the prophetic, houses of prayer and the transformation of cities (see previous posts). 

The last thing I want to mention today that we need to pray for, is the right to speak. Freedom of speech is increasingly under attack, and we must contend in the Spirit for this battle to be won. As I have already indicate this will be to no avail if our walk does not match our talk. The exclusivism of the Christian gospel has always at some level been offensive to our culture, and we must know how to answer. Since we reap what we sow and we are reaping the whirlwind, what is important to know, is that the wounds of a friend are faithful (Proverbs 27:6). In other words though the truth may hurt, it brings healing when we turn and obey God's Laws. We have yet to see the full extent of the destruction (the worst of time) that our culture will experience if it keeps going down its current path.

Father, part of what I have written this morning is confession, the necessary precondition for You to heal our land. Father we pray for the billion soul harvest that is prophesied, and as part of our preparing the way of the Lord, we ask You to facilitate our going , and our making holistic disciples who will pray, pray and pray (me too) in Jesus Name Amen

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