Friday, December 20, 2019

Go make disciples: ..... to the ends of the earth

There are prophecies that Canada, with our Maple leaf flag, will be for the healing of the nations. And we are told to make disciples starting at home and going eventually to the ends of the earth (Matthew 13:13; Acts 1:8). The thought can be overwhelming, I mean where do we even start? I believe the answer is found in Jesus' parable “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into flour until it worked all through the dough” (Matthew 13:13). And we are the yeast! Yeast can be either good or bad (here, Galatians 5:9). And since we are intended to be the good yeast we need to regularly ask God to “Search me and know my heart; Try me,  know my anxieties; see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting (Psalm 139:23, 24). This gives a strong Biblical basis for the fourth step “Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves” of twelve-step programs.

The Big Book off AA likens this step to taking care of a business. In particular “A business which takes no regular inventory usually goes broke. Taking commercial inventory is a fact-finding and a fact-facing process. It is an effort to discover the truth about the stock-in-trade. One object is to disclose damaged or unsalable goods, to get rid of them promptly and without regret. If the owner of the business is to be successful, he cannot fool himself about values” (p 64). In fact all twelve steps have a solid Biblical foundation. Step one is about coming out of denial, and since our hearts are deceptive (Jeremiah 17:9), asking God to search our hearts is the only way to uncover the heart's secrets. Speaking of idolatry He says “Would not God search this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart” (Psalm 44:21). In particular we ask Him about my anxious thoughts and feelings. Anxious thoughts and feelings can come from things we are trying to hide from ourselves, from unconfessed sin, people we resent (because we have not forgiven them), and from relationships in which we may need to make and amends etc., etc.

And as we start to deal with the issues in our lives that are uncovered in this way, we become the yeast that starts to work its way “through the whole lump.” As we follow the commands that lie behind the steps (whether we call them the steps, or simply Biblical principles), our close relationships change. Slowly perhaps, as is the manner of yeast. But I have said before, it's not about the level of maturity that we have attained, but rather the trajectory, the direction we are heading. And then as we engage in holistic discipleship in this way, the Lord will direct our steps and we will be cooperating with Him in making disciples to the ends of the earth.

Father, the task to which You have called us is far, far greater than we could possibly do without Your help and guidance. In fact Lord, it seems to be true, that if we can do it in our own strength and wisdom, our vision is not big enough, and we have settled for something far less than that to which You call us. So we come to You this morning again Lord knowing that as we surrender You will accomplish that which You desire, and we say with Isaiah “Here I am send me” (Isiah 6:8) in Jesus Name Amen

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