Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne

...... steadfast love and faithfulness go before you (Psalm 89:14). They say that we become like what we worship, so for example if our trust is in money, we become cold and unfeeling. When we put our trust in our intellect we become arrogant, if we live for pleasure we become selfish and hollow. I remember a time, before I was saved, when I was a prisoner of my passions, and was talking to an older man who had integrity. And he was telling me of how he had said no to sexual temptation, and I suddenly was very attracted to righteousness. When I was young and innocent, I felt I had a lot of love, and I had heard the Lord calling me to love others. In the brashness of youth I had told Him I did not need Him for that. And now, coming up against the integrity of this man my “love” was exposed for what it was, selfish and demanding lust. It was so far from what I now understand as God's steadfast love as for it to be unrecognizable.

So much for righteousness and love, what about justice and faithfulness. Proverbs 20:6 states and then asks “Many a man proclaims his own steadfast love, but a faithful man who can find?” The ever increasing divorce rates furnishes an answer. And as for justice, our justice system has largely become punitive, rather than restorative, and the whole system becoming more and more warped as it submits to political agendas. What I am saying, is that the foundations of both individuals in society, and of society itself are crumbling. And into the midst of all of this, in a season when everything is being shaken, what is needed is for us to return to the One for whom righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne, and before whom goes steadfast love and faithfulness. And it needs to start with me, with individuals and with the Church.

The Scriptures admonish God's people not to be conformed to the World, or not to let the World squeeze us into its mold, as one version put it (Romans 12:2). And in the necessary process of humbling ourselves, praying, seeking His face and repenting (2 Chronicles 7:14) we need to re-examine our foundations. We need to see that in many ways the Church is indistinguishable from the World, except that it has a strong tendency to be judgemental. We need to return to righteousness, but we also need to return to steadfast love (and mercy as some translations have it), and we need to return to faithfulness both in our relationships with each other, and in our commitment to God.

Father, we have sinned and fallen short of Your glory. We have not demonstrated that we are salt and light. We have hidden our light and been intimidated by the World. Forgive us Lord and cleanse us, and equip us to move forward. We want to be like You Lord, and we worship You this morning. Transform us Lord from one degree of glory to another as we behold You. And we will give You all the glory and the praise in Jesus Name Amen 

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