Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Let each one remain in the same calling

.... in which he was called (1 Corinthians 7:20 NKJV). The word calling “in which he was called,” refers to salvation (see Matthew 22:14). From the context the first "calling" has to do with the situation he or she was in when she was called (NIV). The issues of the Christian needing to be circumcised (or not) had surfaced again, and Paul says “no” (verse 18). Slavery is also considered here, and marriage (verses 21, 27). In the first rush of my own salvation I was wondering if the Lord wanted me to stay working in the secular institution I was in, and this verse helped me to stay. I mean He wants us to be salt and light where we are planted.  So is this intended to be permanent? Not necessarily, for example with respect to being a slave, Paul says “Do not be concerned about it; but if you can be made free, rather use it” (verse  21).

Since we are,  for example,  to fee sexual immorality (6:18),  the principle then, with the clear exception of repenting and turning from anything sinful, is to not make any sudden changes in your situation when we are called.  As already mentioned following this morning's verse Paul goes on to talk about marriage. Before I get into that I want to say that there are some situations that will not be quickly resolved as when a couple has been living common law especially where there are children involved. The advice there is likely to be to get married, though if the unbelieving partner wishes to depart, so be it (verses 12-16)!  From the passage and elsewhere however,  sexual purity is assumed. Concerning marriage, Paul puts it this way,  the unmarried person  cares about the things of the Lord, that he or she may be holy both in body and in spirit. But the one who is married cares about the things of the world—how to please the spouse (verses 32-34). It is not wrong to marry, but Paul warns “such will have trouble in the flesh, but I would spare you” (verse 28).

There is no doubt that relationships are difficult, and we have found that whether it be entering into salvation, or recovery, or needing healing, such times are not times to be entering into new relationships (Ecclesiastes 3:5c, d). Such relationships tend to be a distraction, be it from establishing our relationship with Christ, establishing our recovery,  or from taking the necessary time to heal. They not only distract, they complicate things, and they can even sabotage things. I have seen this over and over especially in recovery, causing relapse and backsliding.  There are always issues in relationships,  and with Paul “I would spare you.” We are of course talking about new beginnings.  

Father, the advise of Paul here in this mornings verse is wise advise, and I want to thank You for the wise counsellors who advised me at the beginning of my journey. It was part of my coming out of radical independence.  You have made us to need each other Lord, and it is wise in our new beginning to make friends of the same sex. Even secular wisdom advises the same thing. But of course the Bible got there first.  These things be it being circumcised or not, these are not what matters, what matters is t keeping the commandments of God (verse 19). Thank You Lord for the wisdom of Your Word, we give You thanks and praise  in Jesus Name Amen

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