Friday, February 19, 2021

And God said to Abram ... By faith Abraham obeyed ...

(Genesis 12:1; Hebrews 11:8).  Jordon Peterson,  already mentioned several times, has some very interesting things to say from the point of view of a Psychologist trying to help people get their lives together. As far as I can tell he's not a believer, but he does a lot of meditating on Scripture.  This gives him great wisdom and insight, which Scripture itself promises to those who do it (Psalm 119:99). I want to paraphrase a couple of things he says, and then make some comments.

In the introduction to his lectures on Abraham, Peterson speaks about our being fed an unending diet of rights and freedoms;  that there is something  pathologically wrong with that, and that people are starving for the antidote.  He tells that the antidote is truth and responsibility, and  that the room goes quiet when he speaks of the need to take responsibility. It's received as something like revelation.  One of our highest moral obligations, he says, is to treat ourselves as if we are  creatures of value,  a recognition of our divine worth,  regardless of our sins. Relating to Abraham's obedience he says that you don't know how rich and fulfilling your life could be if you stopped doing the things you know are wrong. He says that if we organize ourselves in this way,  it will give life meaning,  and it will help us when we encounter “the flood”  of life's pain and chaos, and give us the tools to get through.  Peterson is careful not to insist that you believe in God. He sees Scripture as a kind collected wisdom,  accumulated by humanity over the ages, wisdom that if followed works to improve life. To me this is similar to twelve step programs,  where we talk about a higher power. A higher power is something greater than ourselves, something we can look to. Peterson's  higher power  seems to be the collective wisdom of the ages.

The point is,  that this wisdom works.  The twelve steps are Biblically based,  and they work too.  The thing though, is that some in these programs are conquerors (overcoming their addictions),  and some are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).  Two relevant things here,  firstly as in any program,  what you put into it is directly related to what you get out of it. Secondly what Scripture adds to principles,  is relationship. I mean God speaks to Abraham, but more importantly for the believer, the Spirit witness to our spirit that we are God's beloved children, this to the most orphaned generation that ever existed. In fact, the Spirit causes us to cry out Abba, Daddy, Father (Romans 8:16, 15; 1 Corinthians 16:20). And it's only from within the security of His  extravagant healing love, that we can move from being conquerors,  to being more than conquerors. And we don't have to pretend that we are valuable, we were bought at incredible cost by the blood of Christ (Acts 20:28). This makes us infinitely valuable!

Lord Jesus, we have an enemy who is intent to kill steal and destroy, but You came that we might have life in all its fulness (John10:10). Open our eyes Lord to see that You intend only good (Romans 8:28), and that it is not only keeping the principles that bring life, but the warmth of You intimacy and embrace. And I choose again this morning Lord to be a living sacrifice in order that I gain You, Your abundant life and eternity,  in Your precious Name Amen

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