Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The LORD said “Not so. Therefore, whoever kills Cain, vengeance

.... shall be taken on him sevenfold”  (Genesis 4:15). Cain had cried out “anyone who finds me will kill me” (verse 14), and this morning's verse was the Lord's declaration. He put a mark on Cain to that effect, though we are not told the nature of that mark. Ellicott comments “Cain’s punishment was severe, because his crime was the result of bad and violent passions, but his life was not taken because the act was not premeditated. Murder was more than he had meant. But as any one killing him would mean murder, therefore the vengeance would be sevenfold: that is, complete, seven being the number of perfection.

Vengeance (revenge) is defined as the act of committing a harmful action against a person or group in response to a grievance, it be can be real or perceived.  Even when civic government was put in place to carry out the Lord justice , vengeance was and is,  God's prerogative, and was to be carried out under His guidance.  It is written “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord (Deuteronomy 32:35).  To take vengeance into our own hands is to play God – it was Satan's original sin (Isaiah 14:14).

The scornful, prideful and casual boats of Lamech (Genesis 4:23) indicates,  and is confirmed by archaeologists, that escalating blood feuds were common in ancient cultures.  From the dictionary,  blood feud is “a cycle of retaliatory violence, with the relatives or associates of someone who has been killed or otherwise wronged or dishonoured,  seeking vengeance by killing or otherwise physically punishing the culprits or their relatives.” Current gang warfare, and the presence of blood feuds in early American history make the archaeologist's claims totally believable.

With our long history of law and order based largely on Judaeo-Christain values,  is it hard at times for us to imagine how necessary and how radical were the 10 commands (Exodus 20:1-17).  Some have suggested that the law and eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth (Exodus 21:24) is barbaric. But you have to realize that the practice was essentially two eyes for one eye and two teeth for one tooth,  that is escalating violence.  

The higher law to love your enemies (Matthew 5:44), would have fallen on deaf ears.  Even today for believers full of the Spirit,  this is still something of a stretch at times.  For those without the love of God poured into their hearts (Romans 5:5),  it would have been impossible. What the Law is saying, is to settle for justice not revenge.  But as I say, there is a higher law “mercy triumphs over justice.”

Father, the full verse of this last quotes is “judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment (James 2:13). I remember commenting to a friend when I had been let off a speeding ticket “That's what I want when I die, mercy not justice!” Thank You Lord that You are  merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and mercy (Psalm 103:8; Joel 2:13). And You call us to be merciful for You are merciful’ (Luke 6:36).  We need Your grace Lord, the wherewithal to perform Your will, and I am asking for it this morning Lord in Jesus Name Amen

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