Thursday, August 17, 2017

Do not fret, it only causes harm

Every time I read this part of the verse from Psalm 37:8, I am reminded of the joke that gives the interpretation as the admonition not to play guitar in church. But as I came to the verse this morning, I found that it was highly applicable to my life. In particular I found myself fretting over the slowness to put some financial provisions in place before the end of the month. I knew I needed to do something about it (the fretting)!

The dictionary defines fretting as being constantly or visibly worried or anxious. I am well aware that at least part of the harm that this causes in my life is that it draws me away from the peace and presence of the Lord. And I know myself well enough to know, that once I get out of His presence, I can get into deep trouble! James tells us that it’s the early warning sign of falling into temptation (James 1:12?).

There are many verses that come to mind that help me to get back into his presence. Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind holds steadfastly to You, because he trusts in You.

Worry and anxiety and fear are the very opposite of faith, of trust. So what I did this morning was to repent of my lack of faith, and to ask Him to help me get back on track. He is always faithful to answer, and I am now back in His peace!

Father, I thank You that You have already given all things that pertain to life and godliness. In particular I thank You for the resources of heaven that allow me to do what You command me to do. I love You Lord in Jesus Name Amen.

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