There are two things here that need to be held in tension, namely the tense and meaning that he has made perfect, and perfect for ever those who are being sanctified, and the implication of the tense in the phrase “being sanctified,” namely that the process is ongoing. This tension is made clear just a few verses later, where we are told of the consequences (no more sacrifice for sin) of wilfulness (verse 26). In particular the writer to the Hebrews knows nothing of what has been called "cheap grace," the teaching that it doesn’t matter what we do after we get saved, it’s all covered under the blood.
Sanctification, or salvation has 3 components. I was saved, I am being saved, and I will be saved! The illustration that I like that illuminates this for me, is of someone being shipwrecked at sea. He is picked up by a passing ship (was saved), he is being transported home on the ship (being saved - the current state), but finally he will arrive home (will be saved)!
It seems to me that there are two errors here. The first is that we somehow contribute to our salvation by what we do after we were saved. The sacrifice is perfect and complete as Paul makes very clear in Ephesians 2:8, 9. "It is by grace that we have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."
The second error is presumption, the attitude that says “God will forgive me no matter what I do, that’s His job!” The verse already quoted above (verse 26) makes it very clear that this is in error. Like many other Biblical truths, these truths that need to be held in tension (both and, rather than either, or), and there are errors to avoid. There is much that can be said about this.
Father, in the midst of controversies in the church about these things, it is easy to forget the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross. In the midst of debate we can lose our thankfulness, and be more interested in being right and proving the other side wrong, than in praising and blessing and thanking You. Father help me never to lose sight of You either in the midst of theological debate, or in over familiarity of these things. In Jesus Name Amen
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