Saturday, August 26, 2017

He purposed [to] gather together in one all things in Christ

There are many things that we might wrestle with in life, health, finances, employment etc., etc. But the thing that I wrestle with the most, is relationships. The reason is surely, that our unity and love for one another is the very heart of God, and therefore at the spearhead of the attacks of the enemy.

We cannot, and we must not, separate His desire for our oneness, from the cross. In the cross, when we when we see it correctly, we see the second mile in spades! God so loved the world, that He went to extraordinary lengths to reconcile us to Himself, and to show us His priority in reconciliation. In the context of this paraphrase of part of Ephesians 1, Paul tells of God’s primary plan is to unite all things together in Him. Later in the epistle, he admonishes us to as much as is possible within us to live at peace with everyone.

It takes takes two of course, but the best place to work out our differences, is at the foot of the cross. What I mean is that we need to see the insignificance of our own differences and struggles, in the light of all that He has done for us. We cannot come to the foot of the cross in arrogance demanding our own way, demanding our rights, demanding justice over mercy. In fact we cannot come demanding at all! At the foot of the cross when we truly come, we get the true perspective of our own selfishness. When we truly come, and understand the depths of what He had to do to forgive us, and to reconcile us to Himself, in this light, all or wants and needs and desires are seen in the correct perspective.

Father, bring us to the foot of the cross together. Help us to see our relationship struggles in the light of all that You have done, and all that You desire. Help us, help me, to cooperate with Your primary purpose in sending Jesus, that is in the fullness of time to unite all things together in Him. In Jesus Name Amen

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