There is a reason, that I could not find a specific verse to backup the phrase “I am the only one I can change.” Because, while we do need to stop trying to control others, this does not mean that we do not have responsibility for our brothers and sisters. Paul, for example, gives us instructions about what to do and how to do it, when someone is overtaken in a fault (Galatians 6:1). And in the illustration of the plank in your eye and the speck of dust in the other person’s eye (Matthew 7:3-5), we are told first to remove the plank from our own eye, since then, and only then will we see clearly to remove the speck of dust from the other persons eye. Note that we are not told not to remove the speck of dust!
The world I think, it has massively misunderstood the biblical admonition "Judge not lest you also be judged" (Matthew 7:1). What I understand the Lord to be condemning here, is the self righteous judgemental attitude as displayed, for example, by the Pharisee who self righteously thanked God that he was not like the nearby tax collector (Luke 18:11). But we cannot obey the admonitions given in the first paragraph, unless we discern right from wrong. So it is helpful I think, to distinguish between judging and discerning. In fact the Scripture tells us to expose evil (Ephesians 5:11), and we cannot do that unless we discern that something is wrong!
I am wrestling this morning with how to think, and so ultimately how to respond to the tyranny of political correctness. It seems to me that what is happening here, is that marginalized and abused groups are being used to bully us into silence in the service of politically motivated social engineering. The groups being used in this way do indeed have genuine complaints, and attitudes need to change and the abuse needs to stop. But what seems to be happening, is that any disagreement is attacked as being hateful and/or fearful. Well certainly there is hate, and there is fear, and that is a big part of the abuse. But those of us who with compassion (see the prayer) nevertheless disagree, are being falsely identified with the abusers!
Father, one of the reasons You admonish us to go to one who is overtaken in a fault, is that choices have consequences, and choices that go against Your principles have negative consequences. I understand therefore, that the admonition is given because of Your compassion. I also understand Lord that You want to free us from our often self-imposed prisons which are the consequences of our choices. So again this morning Lord, I am asking You for wisdom, courage and serenity to know when to speak, when to be silent, and how and what to speak when You want me to. But also Lord when Your compassion rises up in me and at the same time you are asking me to leave it with You, then I need Your serenity. I know at such times that You want me to pray, but at such times I cry out with Paul “Who is sufficient for these things” (2 Corinthians 2:16)? Lord have mercy on us all in Jesus Name Amen