One of his wiles, is to prod us in areas where we are likely to take offence. You have heard the phrase “He knows how to push my buttons.” Well if we humans can figure out which buttons to press in order to stir up anger, bitterness and resentment, he certainly can too. I mean he’s been watching! And some of the things he uses, are our hurts, as well as faults such as pride, obsessive thinking and our propensity to anger. Been there, done that bought the T-shirt!
In fact, we need to learn to be offence proof. The writer to the Hebrews tells us that we need to be careful that we do not fail to obtain the grace that is available to help us deal with these things. He goes on to tell us that when we fail in this way, many are defiled (Hebrews 12:15). I think you know that there is much evidence of this in our world!
Father, it says in Your Word that a person's wisdom makes him slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense (Proverbs 19:11). Yet it seems that more and more the “right” to take offence is promoted as the proper thing to do in our culture. It is present everywhere, even in the church. It is however, one of the devils devices, and it promotes division, defilement and isolation. Forgive me and cleanse me Lord for the times I have succumbed, and help me and all those reading these posts to stand against the propensity to take offence. Thank you Lord that when we submit to You, Your Grace to help is so readily available. And I give You the honour praise and glory again this morning in Jesus Name Amen
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