I’m not suggesting we should go around calling people hypocrites, and I have been struggling for some time to discern exactly how and when and where the Lord would have me speak up, particularly on the issues of our day. There have certainly been times when my anger or frustration have crept into the way that I address issues. And it is in fear and trembling, knowing well my weaknesses, that I bring up the issue of when and how to speak up. It’s not always well received even when done well! But as someone said “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing!”
An issue that is uppermost on my mind this morning, is the radical sex Ed that is being introduced in Ontario, and likely to spread. One of the underlying ideas that is been foisted on children earlier and earlier, is that there is essentially no link between biological identity, and gender identity. So for example, if you are biologically a boy, then there is absolutely no connection between this and whether you identity as male or female. And whether you think of gender dysphoria as pathological or not, what is clear to me, is that talking about this at such an early age, is very likely to do more harm than good.
Father, I am aware this morning, that just as You call us to be in Your hands and feet, so at times you call us to be Your mouth. In fact You call us ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20). Please forgive me for the times my tongue has not represented You well. So again this morning Lord I asked for serenity to keep my mouth shut when I should, courage to speak Your Word when You are asking me to, and the wisdom for the what and the how of what to speak, and the grace to speak it in a way that brings honour and glory to Your name. I am not responsible for the response when I do this Your way. And I thank you this morning Lord for your promise that when I do it this way, then it is indeed Your Word, and it will not return to You void, but will accomplish what You desire, and achieve the purpose for which You sent it (Isaiah 55:11). Help me to rest in this Lord, in Jesus Name Amen
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