I like to think of every circumstance in life as a crossroads. In fact, whatever the circumstance, either consciously or unconsciously, we choose to allow it to draw us nearer to God, or to push Him away. Since truly love is what makes the world go round, and what we ultimately crave, it is wise, if not always easy, to choose to draw close to the One who’s very essence is love (1 John 4:8). In fact we love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19), and it is my prayer and desire that I be rooted and grounded in His extravagant healing love.
In Matthew’s version of the quote from Luke 6:27, Jesus tells us to pray for our enemies. And He never it commands us to do something He Himself has not done only in greater measure. As they drive cruel spike through His hands and His feet He prays “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34 ). I need His help to even begin to follow this kind of example and to love like this, but with His help all things are possible, and His ways are the ways of life.
Father, I pray this morning for everyone reading this blog. For those for whom it is a day of joy, I pray that You would deepen their joy and their love. For the lonely please bring them love and companionship, for those suffering bereavement I ask You, the God of all comfort to bring Your comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3), and for those whose relationship has gone, or is going, wrong I ask for grace and mercy to help them and me to choose to love even those who have hurt us the most. I know that this is Your way, and Your ways are always best in Jesus Name Amen.
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