In Romans 2:1 Paul tells us “Whoever you are who judge …. you condemn yourself; for you who judge do the same things.” This doing what we judge, was first brought home to me years ago taking a young lady home from our fellowship. She talked incessantly, hardly stopping to take a breath, and on this particular day she was telling me that she could not stand search and such a brother. Upon inquiring what it was that bugged her, she told me that he talked too much! Similarly, it’s not that long ago the Lord convicted me of judging those who judge. You know those blankety a blank judgemental people, and without realizing it, I had become one of them!
Furthermore, the Lord convicted me this morning that I had overreacted to a certain situation, and He did this while I was thinking about an overreaction in a different situation. For some reason, I suddenly became more sympathetic to the other person’s overreaction!
Father, I am starting to believe that at some level being blind to our own faults, but having 20/20 vision with respect to others faults, is universal. So I ask You first of all this morning Lord, to search me to see if there be any wicked way within me, and secondly to lead me in Your everlasting way (Psalm 139: 24). And Lord, thank You for Your mercy, forgiveness and cleansing as I confess these things, in Jesus Name Amen
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