Monday, October 21, 2019

Culture wars (II) If my people will humble themselves, pray, repent ..

We have been talking about identification repentance, about confessing corporate sins. I have often heard “I didn’t do those things, it’s nothing to do with me!” But this is to fail to acknowledge that we have corporate, as well as individual responsibility. God will judge the goat nations, as nations (Matthew 245:31-40). And there is no doubt in my mind, that over the last century we have become a goat nation. The church has largely existed in splendid isolation, failing to be salt and light to the nation, and becoming more and more irrelevant in the process. We judge Christians in Nazi Germany for not speaking up, yet in timidity we remained silent, as sin flourished and grew in our nation like weeds in an unattended garden. In this way we abdicated our corporate responsibility. Identification repentance is Biblical. Daniel did not hesitate to identify with, and repent on behalf of the nation. And this morning I am want to use his prayer at a model of repentance,  and so fulfill our part (humble ourselves, pray and repent) in the 2 Chronicles 7:14 promise , that God would forgive our sin, and heal our land. The prayer follows, please join in,  and agree with me in praying it.

“O Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him, and with those who keep His commandments. We have done wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts and Your judgments. In the church we have allowed pride and self-righteousness to taint the gospel, marginalizing and judging broken people, the down and out, the drug addicts and the prostitutes. We have sung “just as I am,” telling them to come, but we needed them to clean up, before making them welcome. We have hated and feared outsiders, and stepped back with a holier than thou attitude. It is smoke in your nostrils. We have failed to hold grace and truth in tension, either teaching truth without grace, or grace without truth. In addition Lord, we have allowed pride of being right, as a reason to separate from each other. In doing so we have failed to cooperate with You in answering Jesus prayer that we be one (John 17:11).

As a nation Lord, even when we have spoken to our leaders and rulers, we have not obeyed Your voice to walk in Your precepts, which You set before us by the Apostles and prophets (Ephesians 2:20). O Lord, righteousness belongs to You, but to us shame of face, as it is this day. We have treated our our indigenous peoples shamefully robbing them of their culture and their land. And we have tried to solve the problems by throwing money at them, but have failed to come alongside with the compassion that brings healing. On the other hand we have engaged in toxic charity, enabling a victim mentality,  and  justifying the poison of bitterness and unforgiveness,  establishing all problems as the fault of others, and in the process voiding the need to take responsibility for their own situations. But to You O Lord belong mercy and forgiveness, though we have rebelled against You.

And now O Lord, please grant us true repentance, let our repentance not be empty words Father, let it be heartfelt. And Lord have please have  mercy upon us according to Your promise to forgive and cleanse us when we confess as we have today(1John 1:9).  And fulfill now O Lord, the promise of Your Word to hear from heaven and heal our land in Jesus Name Amen

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