Friday, October 18, 2019

The need for church to be a safe place (III) Healing, community and Testimony

In a loving, healthy, family when a child is naughty, and confesses when gently confronted, and then, if he is then quickly forgiven, the child will almost immediately bounce back to joy. I remember an incident with one of my grandchildren who was being particularly stubborn, and my giving him the choice of compliance, or of the incident being reported to his mother. Next thing I knew we were walking hand in hand and chatting happily, as if the incident had never happened. When we know it is safe to confess, and that we will be quickly forgiven when we do, we can get to the place, even as adults, where we actually welcome the exposure of our denial, of the hidden things that hinder our fellowship with God, and each other. I mean it brings healing. It's also part of being childlike, and what we are called to, as His disciples.

The Scripture I am thinking of this morning is “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ keeps on cleansing us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:7). If we are afraid to reveal who we truly are, we are not waking in the light, we are walking in darkness. There is a recovery saying that we are only as sick as our secrets. Shame for example, multiplies in the dark, and if not brought to the light, it can too easily  lead us into control,  fear and pain. And what we fear is judgement and rejection, but will likely only come from the self righteous. Being part of a number of step studies where,  with Christ as our higher power,  we work the twelve steps, I have been delighted and blessed by the openness, honesty and transparency of the members. It is here were we truly see the reality that there is no difference for all have sinned (Romans 3:23). And we are able to lift one another up, and pray for one another. And you can see the miracle of healing and deliverance and acceptance in awesome community.

Can this only happen in twelve step groups? Of course not, but clearly real and true community cannot happen in hiding and isolation. And I believe that it has to start small, and where confidentially is stressed, honoured and monitored. The basic underlying principles also need to be taught, and those who teach these things need to demonstrate openness and vulnerably too. It is risky, but we will not love one another well if we are not open and vulnerable with each other, and we will not be a testimony to the world if we don’t love one another in this way. The world need to be able to say “Well if they can accept him, they will accept me.” If they can’t see that, why would they ever want to be part of us? These are the things I believe the Lord wants for His church.

Father, far too meany people have been hurt by church, and this must grieve your heart even more than it grieves mine. Lord we are so very far from perfect, and we need Your help. Lord You have promised to give us shepherds according to Your heart, shepherds who have knowledge and understanding of these things (Jeremiah 3:15). So Lord please come quickly with these things in Jesus Name Amen

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