Wednesday, October 9, 2019

trinity, revelation, logos and rhama

I have coined the word “trinity” (lower case “t”) to describe three interconnected diversities  (three in one). I gave humans being body, soul and spirit as a primary example (see January posts). This morning I want to  relate this to what I have been saying about (spiritual) revelation, and to indicate that this is also trinity.  I want to start by talking about the Greek words logos and rhama,  which are both rendered “word.]” in the English Bible.   This of necessity here, is a little simplistic since there is much that can be said. But with this in mind we can think of logos as the purely rational aspect of words. We use logos words to make arguments and to persuade, and they can have little or no connection  to spirituality or not. Logos words are of course, an essential part of human communication. On the other hand rhama words are primarily spiritual, they are the words the Lord speaks into our hearts. When a verse stands out to us that's likely a logos word that has become a rhama word.

Jesus tells His disciples that His rhama words are spirit and they are life (John 6:63). The context is of many being offended by His telling them that “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you” (verse 53). Pre-resurrection,  nobody had a clue what He was talking about (verse 52). “This is a hard saying” they said,  and many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more (verse 66). Asking the twelve if they too would go away,  Peter replies “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the rhama  of eternal life” (verse 68). Reading between the lines we see him saying “Lord we don’t have a clue what you are saying, but what we do know,  is that when You speak they are rhama words,  and they bring life,  life in all its fullness  in the here and now (John 10:10b), and life forever with You in the hereafter.”

I have said before that we know in a trinitarian way by logic, experience and intuition (17 January).  And this is in both the natural and the spiritual realms (see earlier posts on “a spirit of wisdom”). Many  logos (Bible) words can be considered as both sacred and secular wisdom (it's why Psychology that works,   and faith are deeply connected). We reap what we sow  for example (Galatians 6:7), that is poor choices produce bad fruit. We can use such words  and wisdom to communicate the value of Biblical truth to unbelievers. Peter’s words quoted above indicate,  that even though the logic was not making much sense,  nevertheless his spiritual intuition was kicking in (see 1 Corinthians 1:18). In the same sentence he indicates from experience,  that when he embraces  rhama words, he also receives the  transforming grace  that bringing life.  He is receiving both logos and rhama,  and the grace to put them into practice and thus to experience what he is receiving.  In a word he is receiving a spirit of revelation.

Father, Your (logos) word is telling us that revelation is spirit,  that rhama word is spirit,  that rhama words are a component of revelation, and that when we respond in faith as Peter did,  they bring life. So we pray this morning with Paul that You would give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You (Ephesians 1:17). And we will give Your the glory and the praise in Jesus Name Amen

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