Friday, October 11, 2019

Hurts, habits and hangups (I) Life in all its fullness

“Most men” they say, “live lives of quiet desperation.” Thank goodness it's not true about women, just joking! How did this happen? Well “the thief comes for no other reason to kill, steal and to destroy” (John 10:10a). And if you have a hurt that’s not yet healed, or some annoying habit you can’t seem to shake, or if you have hangup that prevent you doing this or that, then the devil has essentially had his with with you (and me). But Jesus came to “heal the brokenhearted, and to set the captives free” (Luke 4:18), and to bring you and me fullness of (John 10:10b). “If the Son shall set you free you will be free indeed” (John 8:35).

This morning, I’m startin a series on the Biblical recovery principles that we need to embrace in order to tap into the Lord's agenda rather than the Devil's. Many of my Christian friends tell me we don’t need recovery, or to deal with the past, because it’s all forgiven, it's under the blood. To me this is to confuse the justification part of salvation, the part that sets us free from the penalty of sin (Romans  3:24), with the sanctification part that is designed to set us free from the power, and the pollution of sin (see 30th January posts). The Lord tells us not to be deceived, because we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7). And I am afraid that those who don’t think we need to deal with the issues of the past are indeed deceived. If you spent years in addictions for example, you will likely have deeply hurt those who love you. It might take some time for them to trust you. But they will not trust you if you exhibit exactly the same selfish behaviour you did when you were addicted. And you will not change that behaviour if you don't know why you engaged (often out of hurts or unforgiveness) in the first place. 

We don't go into the past to camp there, we go into the past so that the Lord can cauterize the wounds, bind them up and heal them so that they don't affect the present any more. We have to trust Him in this. If a dog has a splinter in his paw, it's no good telling the dog it's forgiven, and all under the blood. He needs to trust you to take out the barb. This is what Jesus wants to do, and it's  how He heals us.  So often we have wrong responses to wrong done to us. Two wrongs don't make a right, and we will not heal unless we cooperate with Him and do things His way. And the fact of the matter is, that we don' know what we don't know, and at many levels we have no idea how the past is affecting us.  But you can be sure it is affecting us,  and not necessarily in positive ways! So then who then needs Biblical recovery? Anyone who does not have the abundant life, anyone who as a hurt,  or a habit or a hang up. And that's me,  for one!

Lord Jesus, I want to thank You this morning that You have promised that if we fully cooperate with You, You will heal our hearts and set us free.  Give us courage  to do this Lord, and please give us the faith and trust You, and to let You into the deepest parts of our hearts and lives in Your precious Name  I pray Amen

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