The analogy of course is that if we are unequally yoked with an unbeliever in marriage for example, or in a business partnership, then one of the two will likely pull stronger in one direction. In particular, the unbeliever is unequipped to properly deal with the pressure, the deceit and lies of the enemy. The scriptures tell us that the only way to stand against the Evil one is to put on the whole armor of God, and part of this armor is the helmet of salvation. In addition, we make decisions based on our values, and no matter how ethical the unbeliever is, he or she does not, and cannot have the same values as the believer. In particular the primary goal of the believer is, or should be, to please the Lord.
There are times when it’s very tempting to think that this particular verse does not apply to a particular situation. I say this because I’ve been there, but I thank the Lord this morning for this verse, because in following this I have made a decision that disentangled my financial situation from an unbeliever. And having made the decision and held firm against very strong pressure not to, I have a sense this morning of freedom. With 20/20 hindsight I feel I would not have had had this had I yielded to the pressure.
Father, thank You for Your guidance, both in Your Word and in by the prompting of your Holy Spirit. Thank You too for the council of others. Truly Your Word is true, that if we acknowledge You in all our ways You will indeed direct our paths, and this keeps us safe. Thank You Jesus In Your Lovely Name Amen
Good word for the day. Encouraging.