So first and foremost, the inner child needs a loving, nurturing, wise fathering figure, someone greater and higher and wiser and more loving and gentle than we are, but someone who also is willing to discipline us when we need it. Of course this goes further than psychology is willing to go, but that’s alright, psychology has not yet arrived!
The Scripture has something to say about discipline, in particular it says that no discipline is for the moment pleasurable, but that it has the potential to work the peaceable work of righteousness. When this portion of Scripture we are looking at today is applicable, and at some level it’s applicable to all of us, it can be quite hard to take.
The full verse from 1 Corinthians 13:11 is when I was a child, I thought as a child, I acted as a child. Now I am a man I put away childish things! This verse finds itself embedded in the love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13. So God is telling us, that there comes a time when we need to grow up, and the loving thing to do is to take responsibility for ourselves, and where appropriate for others too.
The where appropriate part, is relevant to me this morning, as I am beginning to see that my unconditional support of someone I love, is starting to turn into an enabling support. And I need to do the grown-up thing, of dealing with is a more appropriate way. This is not something I find easy (British understatement)! This is particularly true, since I am needing to do this in three different relationships at this time.
This growing up is not particularly easy. I jokingly say I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up. A friend of mine has a T-shirt that says “I don’t do adult today!”
Father, I need your help to do the mature thing. Thank You that You are willing and able to give it as we submit to You. Thank You, thank You, thank You in Jesus Name, Amen
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