Thus the cartoon characterization of the devil on one shoulder whispering into the ear, and the angel on the other whispering into the other ear, is more Biblically accurate. And it is a tug-of-war. Paul puts it this way “ Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires” (Romans 8:5). In other words what do we feed, the devil on the left, or the angel on the right?
Actually the default is to feed the devil on the left. You see we can appear to be good, but we may be doing it either out of fear, or a desire to look good, or because we are a people pleaser. In either case the good is actually feeding our self-centredness. Jesus clearly tells us, that if we do our good deeds before man in order to be seen by them, then we already have our reward (the approval of man).
What I have just said makes no sense to someone who does not have faith. If God does not exist, then doing things in secret so our nonexistent Father in heaven is the only one who sees, is useless and futile and empty. But if he does exist, and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, then it makes perfect sense.
The phrase at the head of this post came to me last night during our fellowship time. Having studied Jesus, and so having studied God, I see the beauty in the character of God. And I am attracted to that beauty, and now when I read that I am made in the image of God, I want to feed the Spirit who I know dwells within me, so that I might be more like Him. In other words hearing these words calls me up to all that I can be in Christ Jesus.
We can’t all be a Mother Teresa, or a Terry Fox, but we can all be great in God’s eyes. The challenge then is to aim to be all that I can be in Him, and this is life and health and peace.
Father, help me not to settle for anything less than all You call and want me to be. This is not about striving, I know that, it’s largely about operating out of peace and rest in You. As in all things, I need You for this, and I ask this morning that You would indeed continue to work in me to will and to do Your good pleasure. In Jesus name Amen
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