It is important to note that Peter did not say that he would pray for the man who had been lame from birth. What he did in fact, was to give him something that he had. In this Peter was imitating Jesus. In particular, when the woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus’s garment, Jesus felt power go out of Him. That is she had taken something from Jesus. And Jesus told us that we would do greater things than He would, because He was going to the Father.
So Peter had what Jesus had, and in fact we can have everything that Jesus, as a Spirit filled man, had. I wish I could say that I was walking in this truth at this point in time. What I can say, is that I want to. He has given us so much! He has, for example, given me love and peace and joy and hope and power to name just a few of these things. And I know, at least in my head, that he intends that I give all of these things away, that I be a channel of these things He has given, to this wicked and hurting world!
Father, I need this truth to move from my head to my heart, to my faith, to my walk, to my actions. I cannot do it without You. I believe, help my unbelief. In Jesus Name Amen
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