Friday, January 19, 2018

Rooted and grounded in love

Many of the people to whom I minister, people in prison and/or those who are brave enough to admit that they need help, and so enter recovery from life’s hurts, habits and hangup, had home lives as children that left much to be desired. A stable and loving childhood can set you up, and give you confidence and the wherewithal to navigate the problems and difficulties of life. But when that is missing …

And part of the good news of the gospel, is that the multi-dimensional love of Christ, a love that is meant to be experienced, is designed by God to replace that which was lacking, and to bring us into a fullness of life. The title at the head of this post, is part of Paul’s prayer (Ephesians 3:17), that we would increasingly enter into an experience of this love, that it would establish and settle us, and give us even more than those with the advantage of a stable and loving childhood.

Now while this is available to all, it is my observation that this fullness of life is found by only a few! And part of the reason for this, is that unless and until we come to the end of ourselves and so become desperate enough to surrender everything to Him, we can simply miss out by default (Matthew 13:44). But when we become desperate enough in this way, then we know that He is our best and only hope, and so we drink deeply from the wells of salvation (Isaiah 12:3). And in so drinking our roots go deep, and this gives Him permission to do what we cannot do, and what He does is establish and settle and ground us in His extravagant healing love.

Father, though I have by no means arrived, nevertheless it is my fervent prayer as I continue this journey, that the ongoing process of my being transformed by your reckless and extravagant love, will provoke to jealousy those who have not yet entered in. And I pray that this may lead them to seek so to enter. It’s not about salvation, it’s about finding fullness of life in You (John 10:10b). I pray these things in Your precious and holy Name, and for Your glory Amen


  1. Thank you Phil for your inspiring words this morning ✨✨ I am grateful to share this journey ✨✨✨
