The word translated “wait” literally means to bind and twist together. The inference is that what is bound and twisted together, is essentially forged into one so that you cannot separate the one from the other. Our waiting on the Lord, is thus intended to forge the unity between us and him, that is very unlikely to be forged outside of the said fiery trials. I remember somebody somewhere reporting on a conversation with a refiner, I think it was of silver. The refiner was asked how he knew the refining was complete. The answer came back “When I can see my reflection in it.”
In fact, there are only two outcomes of our fiery trials. We either become disillusioned and bitter, or trusting Him and cooperating with Him, we allow the trials to mold us more and more into the character of Jesus. And as we take on His characteristics through this binding and twisting together with Him, then we also take on His strength, His joy and our ability to rise above the circumstances, to mount up with wings like eagles, to run and not be weary to walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31).
Father, with Your help, I am learning and will learn to wait in hope on You. Thank You that Your promises are true, that what You have promised You will perform (Numbers 23:19), and in the meantime like the eagle I choose to learn to ride the updraft of your Spirit, and so to soar on wings like the eagle. In Jesus Name Amen
(Those who wait on the Lord 1, August 18 2107)
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