because you know nether the Scriptures nor the power of God (Mark
12:24)? The Sadducees had taken their turn trying to trap Jesus with
their questions. The Sadducees said that there is no resurrection,
and they had a story about a woman having seven successive legal
marriages with seven brothers, each one dying before the next
marriage. The question is “In the Resurrection whose wife shall she
be?” And the above verse is the start of His answer. You can read
the rest of it yourself, but what I want to start to do this morning
is to draw from this, among other things, that questions can be
wrong. I hear two wrong questions all the time. Firstly “Do you
take the Bible literally,” secondly, usually by unbelievers,
“Can't you make the Bible say anything you want?”
the first consider the question “Have you stopped beating your wife
yet?” Whether I say yes, or no, I'm in trouble. What I am
saying, is that the question hides an assumption, in this case at the
very least, that the wife has at some point been beaten. There is an
assumption too behind the “literal” question, and it is that the
there are only two possible answer yes, or no! Consider two verses,
firstly “Unless you hate your mother and father, you cannot be my
disciple” (Luke 14:26). Secondly “You shall not commit adultery”
(Exodus 20:14). Obviously this last one is meant to be taken
literally, but what about the first? Well the statement is hyperbole,
an “obvious exaggeration not intended to be understood
literally.” Taken literally it would contradict the commandment to
honour father and mother (Exodus 20:12). It is meant to be startling
and cause us to pause and think. Thinking, is about loving the Lord
with all our mind, and it is about knowing the Scriptures.
The NLT paraphrases the
Luke reference with “you must, by comparison, hate everyone else.”
And well yes, but this is to spoon fed us. When Jesus makes such
outrageous statements, it is meant to catch our attention, and to
cause us to interact with the text. You can read the NLT without
pause, and it is likely gone in the next five minutes. Certainly we
must honour our father and mother, but how far are we to go with it?
As adults should we allow them to overrule what we understand to be
our calling? Well maybe, I mean we can get things wrong, and there
is wisdom in many counsellors (Proverbs 15:22). But certainly not
always, Jesus told us “a man’s enemies will be
those of his own household.’ He who loves father or mother more
than Me is not worthy of Me” (Matthew 10:36, 37). In fact there
was a period when his mother and His brothers “went out to lay
hold of Him, for they said, 'He is out of His mind'” (Mark 3:21).
Your Word tells us that we are to study to be approved unto God (2
Timothy 2:15), and that the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth
(John 16:13). It is not by Word only, but it is by the Word and the
Spirit, and it is in iron sharpening iron sharpening iron that we
lean the truth. Forgive us Lord for our arrogance and pride.
thinking we are the only ones who know truth. Bring us together Lord
in unity and humility to the foot of the cross in Jesus Name Amen
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