Saturday, March 14, 2020

The babe leaped in my womb for joy

If Christmas is the time that Jesus was born, then it would be about this time of the year that Mary became pregnant. And the daily readings for today include the visit of the angel to Mary and Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth who had “conceived a son” in her old age. And when Mary arrived, the babe leaped in Elizabeth's womb for joy (Luke 1:26-44). Notice that is was a son that was conceived, not simply a bunch of cells, and that it was a babe (brephos) that leapt in her womb. The Greek lexicon Thayer says of brephos, that is it both an unborn child as well as a newborn child (Luke 2:12). Thus the Bible makes no distinction between the unborn child and the new born. Notice too, that the brephos is able not only to feel joy, but to feel intense joy and to express this joy by leaping in the womb! In fact modern fetology confirms that the unborn are able to feel and experience a great deal more than we at first suspected.

From the internet “There is a growing body of research showing that babies in the womb feel, taste, learn, and have some level of consciousness.” There is also evidence that the baby can experience stress, rejection, trauma and the like. Also from the internet “Chronic anxiety in the mother can set the stage for a whole array of trauma based results such as prematurity, complications of birth, death, and miscarriage. The opposite is also true.” There are ways to treat these things, and there are Christ centred ministries the Lord has raised up to this. I know of several including theophostic counselling, the healing of (emotional) memories etc. In my own ministry I have encountered these things. And there is indeed healing. As in all recovery ministries what you get out of it, depends largely on how intensely you enter into recovery. I have said it before salvation (justification) is free, getting free will cost you everything you are and have.

I know some of this is very difficult to hear, but I cannot leave this post without at least, at some level,   dealing with the fact that abortion regret is politically incorrect. We are however somewhat schizophrenic about this, because we are allowed to grieve miscarriage, but not abortion. I also want to decry the judgemental and self-righteous attitude towards this that comes out of some of those who name the Name of Christ. Neither I,   nor they, are in any position to do this (see Romans 2:1, 2). Indeed we need to show compassion and give nonjudgmental permission for those who have had an abortion not only grieve, but we also need to minister forgiveness to them on Christ's behalf (see John 20:23). It is the truth, not political correctness, that will set you free (John 8:32).

Father, I want to say it again, I am in no position to judge anyone. Lord I cannot begin to feel or understand the level of crippling guilt that some feel. I do know from my own wicked heart, that I am capable of every kind of heinous sin (Jeremiah 17:9). And I want to thank You again this morning Lord, that when we confess our sins, You are faithful and just not only to forgive us ours sins, but You are also faithful and just to cleans us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). We praise and thank You again this morning for Your amazing grace and mercy in Jesus Name Amen

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