Thursday, March 19, 2020

My soul, wait silently for God alone

... For my expectation is from Him (Psalm 62:5). I knew from an early age that waiting is hard, waiting for the result of an operation of a loved one, waiting for the exam results we are sure we have blown, waiting for the approach of a gale we know for sure is coming, waiting for a loved one to come to the Lord, they are all hard. In the midst of a trial we just want it to be over, and in the midst of the waiting the default is to be anxious as we ponder the various negative outcomes. It is called worry, and worry is faith putting faith in the evil one, rather than in God. David had declared in verse 1 “Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my deliverance.”

In this first verse of the Psalm David is truly waiting on the Lord, resting in trust of deliverance. He is still and in silence resting in Him. But as I have often said, it is one thing to gain peace, and quite another to keep it. This is especially true when others around you are freaking out and stressed to the hilt over what is happening. And we are certainly in a time like this with everything shutting down out of fear of the caronavirus. But it's not just the virus, there is the fear of the loss of jobs, and financial security as the economy takes a hit. Fear and stress and panic are as infectious as the disease, and if we are not very careful we will allow the enemy to steal our hard won peace. And David, perhaps sensing this, instructs his soul in the verse at the head of this post. “Soul,” he says “wait silently for God alone.” He adds that his hope and expectation is of Him. The prophetic word at this time is to look up, not look down (see 17th post). David says twice in this Psalm “I shall not be greatly moved” (verses 2c, 6c).

Another translation of verse 5 puts it this way “Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from him.” And having achieved it, David turns to minister to those around him saying “Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us” (verse 8). It is good advice both for ourselves and for those we encounter at this time. God is shaking the heavens and the earth at this time. The evil one is seeking to overpower us in all of this, but again as David says “God has spoken once, twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God” (verse 11). The Hebrew poetry of the first part of this verse is stressing that this thing is truly true and so with David, we can truly wait for Him.

Father, what I am hearing from the global community at this time, is that while the enemy intends this for evil, You are using this to shake the nations. The enemy is trying to sabotage what You are trying to do, but as we determine to stand and having done all to stand Your are decapitating him. We are believing this is You preparing the globe for the prophesied billion soul harvest. Thank You Lord for the amazing prayer and fasting and repentance and all that You are doing both in the church and in the World in Jesus Name Amen

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