Saturday, December 16, 2017

Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5)

Words are so inadequate, and in particular there is no real English equivalent for the virtue named here as meekness. The idea is of patient, long-suffering, quiet almost gentle strength under pressure. English dictionaries tend to add the word “mild,” to the definition, but above all else these characteristics are intended to describe the character of Jesus. And the one who with his anger fully under control, took the time to make a whip of cords and then overturn the tables of the money changers and drove them out of the Temple (John 2:15), such a one surely cannot be described as “mild!”

I can do no better that quote from Matthew Henry who says of the meek that they are those who “can bear provocation without being inflamed by it; are either silent, or return a soft answer; and who can show their displeasure when there is occasion for it, without being transported into any indecencies; who can be cool when others are hot; and in their patience keep possession of their own souls,… having the rule of their own spirits.

How very different is this from the prevailing attitude of our culture, which openly demands its own rights even at the expense of others, which increasingly takes offence at the drop of a hat, and so willingly vilifies any and all opposition to its self-will!

Father, the amplified the Bible describes blessedness as “spiritually prosperous — with life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favour and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions.” This is a (spiritual) inheritance (here on earth), that cannot be bought with silver and gold! Thank You Lord, that though I am not quite there yet, nevertheless I can thank You that I am not where I once was. Lord Jesus, these Beatitudes are helping me to see such beauty in your character, and I long to be like You! I praise and bless You Lord for the transforming power of Your presence and love in Your precious Name Amen

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