Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Biblically holistic health (IV) Body, soul and spirit “trinity”

This morning I want to look from a Biblical point of view, at the phrase “In Holistic Medicine a person is ultimately responsible for his or her own health and well-being.” No one would seriously argue that we do not have responsibility to do our part in taking care of our body, soul and spirit. However we may need a lot of help. In terms of the physical, I am currently very aware of the needs of a friend who recently had a stroke. At this point in time others need to take up responsibility for her care. People who have gone through trauma often need a lot of psychological help, similarly we may need the spiritual help in the form of a pastor, or Christian counsellor.

I don’t think a holistic doctor would disagree with what I have just written. And I need to add that it seems to be a spiritual principle, that God will not do for us what we can do for ourselves. On the other hand there have been many times when He has done for me what I was not able to do for myself. And what I want to say, is that ultimately God is our healer in all three areas body, soul and spirit (Exodus 15:15; 25:23). Like the good physician, counselor and Father that He is, He has put certain principles and promises in place, which when followed will facilitate wholeness and healing. The dietary laws and the Biblical standards of cleanliness given in the Old Testament for example, were given so that Israel would have “none of the diseases of the Egyptians” (Exodus 15:26).

Part of what I am saying here, is that while we certainly have a part to play (we do have responsibility), for the child of God, our body, soul and spirit health is not all up to us. Our part is to take in and meditate on His Word (Psalm 1:2), to lean and understand His principles and promises, and to truly believe His Word. Jesus tells us that “The work of God is this (our responsibility is this): to believe in the One He has sent (John 6:29 - the words in brackets are mine). What He is talking about here, is trust, reliance and obedience. For example, the Bible tells that God provides and shows us the way our of trials and temptations (1 Corinthians 10:13). Our responsibility, is to take the path that He has provided. The seed of the Word needs to be taken in, it needs to be watered, but in the end it is God who gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6).

Father, one of my favourite hymns, when I was first converted was “Trust and obey.” The line “for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus” stood out to me. Trust and obedience as a little child, is the essence of true faith. And I want to thank You this morning Father for the principles, promises and power of Your Word, but most of all Lord, I want to thank You for the assurance that You will never leave me nor forsake me, so I never have to face any of this alone. And I also know Lord, that when I do my part, You will answer the prayer that I prosper in all things and be in health, just as my soul prospers (3 John 2). I pray this in Jesus Name Amen

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